Does your organization rely on NPS?

NPS is a popular method to measure how an organization or brand is perceived with customers and their satisfaction. The term is short for “Net Promoter Score”, indicating the key thought of the approach: to measure likeliness across the customer base the brand will be recommended further. It’s all boiling down to a single number. If your organization is relying on this number for any decision, you may focus an the wrong issues in business. Today, you may want to read this over NPS:

The Tesla vs Amazon stats that highlight all of NPS’s flaws

Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Elon Musk of Tesla

Let me paint a picture: It’s January 2019, and I’m in the wake of a discussion/debate with some Net Promoter Score (NPS) experts about the rationale for companies investing in NPS.

From the article

Source: The Tesla vs Amazon stats that highlight all of NPS’s flaws | MyCustomer