Author: Andreas
Predictions for 2022
Werner Vogels, AWS CTO’s Tech Predictions for 2022
It’s this time of the year that brings us all predictions for the next year. Over on another channel I had some already, but let me collect more here.
Predictions for 2022
First here is an article from Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon Web Services (AWS):
2022 will be an exciting year for technology, with it pushing all of us, and our planet, forward in the process
Werner Vogels on allthingsconnected.comTo summarize @werner‘s predictions briefly, here are the 5 ideas for next year and beyond:
Prediction One: AI-supported software development takes hold
Github probably made the most noise when it introduced CoPilot, however, the market has been open before that. Products like Amazon DevOps Guru or CodeGuru and GPT-3 apparently supports this approach, too. While research criticizes the high error rate of the approach, the technology will improve. After all, it will accelerate development.
Prediction two: The everywhere cloud has an edge
Not only AWS has an offering to execute code on the distributed edge of the cloud in for of in form of Lambda@Edge. Also traditional edge players turn towards cloud capabilities. Akamai announced Edge Workers earlier this year. CloudFlare has Workers sind 2017. While the concept has been around and technically viable for much longer, all this increased activity indicate a commercial viability. That will attract more vendors.
Prediction three: The rise of smart spaces, especially in senior care
When the Internet of Things became popular in the middle of the ten years, Product Managers have been looking at this space already. The reason is simple: emotion is driving a huge willingness to buy. However, in most countries, this is a highly regulated market. Companies will push for their share, but the entry is difficult.
Prediction four: Sustainability gets its own architecture
Which is way overtime. Most will say the architecture is simple, less of the same. However, computing and storage used to be a scarce and expensive resource. Those in the age to remember a C64, an Amiga or even early PCs can relate. Software architecture had to cater for those limitations. Only with the advent of the cloud resources became virtually endless and affordable. Architecture out of a sudden didn’t have to consider technical limitations, which shows in modern stacks. In the future, architecture will follow sustainability constraints.
Prediction five: A new wave of connectivity will bring about a new class of applications
That’s a bold one. After Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and what many call Web 3.0, this is difficult. Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites sure are a thing and there is no reason starlink wouldn’t be successful. Their approach is set to bring affordable broadband to every corner of the planet. Only: which problem – in scope of this prediction – does this solve? The world has places and societies that do need internet connectivity. Those areas are not a typical home for any of these projects that would require connectivity. And still then, that’d be known applications in remote areas.
Datenschutz im Pixi-Format
Was ist Datenschutz und warum ist Privatsphäre wichtig? Manchmal ist das ja Erwachsenen schon schwer zu erklären. Daher hat der Bundesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Prof. Ulrich Kelber das einmal in einem leicht zu konsumierenden Format aufbereiten lassen. Die beiden Pixi-Hefte Die Daten-Füchse – Das ist privat! und Die Daten-Füchse – Was ist Datenschutz? sind für Kinder im Kindergartenalter und deren Eltern entworfen worden, aber Erwachsene und besonders Pixi-Liebhaber werden Ihre Freude mit den Heften haben. Ich jedenfalls finde das für eine großartige Idee.
Beide Bücher können ab sofort kostenlos bestellt werden. Mit ein bisschen Glück kann man unterm Christbaum von den Daten-Füchsen lesen.
Am 3. Dezember hat der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) zwei Kinderbücher zum Thema Datenschutz veröffentlicht .
Aus der Mitteilung