Author: Andreas

  • Why Would You NEVER Apply Agile Software Development Processes?

    A central statement in the Agile Manifesto is to put Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Many development teams, in particular those with less experience, lack the self sufficiency to deal with this freedom. It’s probably not the exact answer to the question, but it makes Agile a lot more difficult. Here is the original…

  • Django 3.0 alpha1 released

    A major version bump, with the largest change being built in support for ASGI, the Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, that previously could be included via channels. The biggest benefits ASGI offers over the traditional WSGI, is the possibility to build asynchronous operations in webapps, and leverage e.g. WebSockets to push information to the client. Here…

  • Face recognition, bad people and bad data.

    We worry about face recognition just as we worried about databases – we worry what happens if they contain bad data and we worry what bad people might do with them   Source: Face recognition, bad people and bad data — Benedict Evans

  • Montag

    via: Das Kraftfuttermischwerk

  • Technologie Messe IFA

    Nun ist es nicht so, dass ich selbst ein großer Freund des digitalen Bezahlens bin. Und neulich im Supermarkt konnte ich mir das schmunzeln nicht verkneifen, als der junge Mann vor mir an der Kasse von seiner Mutter mit Bargeld vor dem Scheitern von Apple-Pay mit der Uhr gerettet werden musste. Selbstverständlich nicht ohne laute…

  • Wunderlist

    In 2015, it was big news to the Startup and VC scene, when Microsoft announced it would acquire Wunderlist. Back then, 6Wunderkinder was one of the most promising StartUps in the German Capital. The social media bubble immediately started debating the future of the product and whether Microsoft would spoil it or even shut it…

  • The Dropbox journey to static type checking with Python

    Type Annotation is a feature that allows Python to maintain it’s dynamic typing and enable option static typing in the same code base. With the arrival of Python 3.5, the language implemented PEP 484, that describes a syntax to annotate code with type hints. Dropbox took a journey to leverage this option on 4 million…

  • TC Sessions: Enterprise

    During a fireside chat, SAP CEO Bill McDermott, spoke with TechCrunch news editor Frederic Lardinois at TechCrunch Sessions: Enterprise. Source: TC Sessions: Enterprise | TechCrunch

  • Express your opinion, politely.

    A very British way to tell a politician what you think. More people should act this kindly.

  • Facebook lost phone numbers

    Again, it’s Facebook, that made news with a data breach. TechCrunch reported first about midnight Euroean time, but it’s all over the news by today, noon. It’s time to realize social media is a mistake.