
  • People looking at this product

    Have you ever wondered, how websites know how many people look at a particular product? Ophir Harpaz investigated:

  • Why Companies and Government Do “Innovation Theater”

    This article previously appeared in the Harvard Business Review. The type of disruption most companies and government agencies are facing is a once-in-every-few-centuries event. Disruption today is… Valid question… Source: Steve Blank Why Companies and Government Do “Innovation Theater” Instead of Actual Innovation

  • Five Deadly Product Management Sins

    No One Understands What You Do Not Being Effective Being Tactical and Not Strategic No Formal Career Plan Not Enjoying Your Job These are, apart from being strategic, probably all solid advises for any other role. The article is a lot more verbose on why these are relevant for Product Management. Learn about the five…

  • Coin Master – Abzocke mit Fun

    Jan Böhmermann hat schon am 10. Oktober mit folgendem Video auf potentiell unseriöse Vorgehen einer App namens “Coin Master” hingewiesen. Bis dahin ist mir das Spiel nicht aufgefallen, weil mir der gesamte Duktus solcher Werke schon zweifelhaft erscheint und ich deshalb kategorisch die Finger davon lasse. Virtuelle Schlumpfbeeren zu kaufen kann keinen realen Gegenwert bieten.…

  • What you do is who you are.

    Ben Horowitz, of Andreessen Horowitz (software is eating the world), wrote a new book. It is titled “What you do is who you are.“, and will, following the announcement, discuss corporate cultural standards and how they changed over the years, of course with a particular focus on the tech industry. It’s a hot candidate for…

  • Mozilla unveils YouTube recommendation horror stories

    Somehow, a fun read. Still problematic, and somewhat scary, at the scale YouTube relies on recommendations. Mozilla gathered 28 user-submitted stories, detailing incidents where YouTube’s recommendation served videos featuring racism, conspiracies, and violence. Source: Mozilla unveils 28 horror stories about YouTube’s recommendation algorithm

  • Python 3.8.0 is now available

    Here is what’s new. Source: Python Insider: Python 3.8.0 is now available

  • Facebook Video engagement.

    Facebook would pay $40 million to resolve claims how the company falsely reported Video usage numbers. Given the industry faced incredible growth of the video market over the past decade, companies shifted their strategy, agencies invested, campaigns were created for that single purpose alone. In the context of how the business grew, these alleged numbers…

  • Thoma Bravo to buy Sophos

    Thoma Bravo to buy Sophos

    Both company announce the plans for the acquisition today. The private equity company Thoma Bravo plans to buy the UK-based cyber-security giant Sophos for $7.40 per share, for a total value of $3.9 billion, at a 37% market premium.

  • Susan K. “Kathy” Land elected IEEE President

    Susan K. “Kathy” Land elected IEEE President