Tag: tesla

  • Tesla Cameras.

    So, also wenn man einen Tesla fährt, ist das Auto mit allerhand Kameras ausgestattet. Wegen autonomem Fahren, und Auto-Pilot, wissenschon. Diese Kameras tun halt, was Kameras so machen, sie machen Bilder, aber wegen Autopilot schauen sich das Tesla Angestellte halt an. Die machen dann das gleiche wie alle anderen im Internet, sie teilen diese Bilder, machen Witze und Memes draus.

    Reuters: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars

  • Does your organization rely on NPS?

    NPS is a popular method to measure how an organization or brand is perceived with customers and their satisfaction. The term is short for “Net Promoter Score”, indicating the key thought of the approach: to measure likeliness across the customer base the brand will be recommended further. It’s all boiling down to a single number. If your organization is relying on this number for any decision, you may focus an the wrong issues in business. Today, you may want to read this over NPS:

    The Tesla vs Amazon stats that highlight all of NPS’s flaws

    Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Elon Musk of Tesla

    Let me paint a picture: It’s January 2019, and I’m in the wake of a discussion/debate with some Net Promoter Score (NPS) experts about the rationale for companies investing in NPS.

    From the article

    Source: The Tesla vs Amazon stats that highlight all of NPS’s flaws | MyCustomer

  • Tesla teardown of Tesla electronics

    Japanese researches looked into a recent Tesla Model 3. Their analysis has some interesting findings over traditional car manufacturing methods. In particular when it comes to electronics, “ECUs” how they’re called in the automotive world, “Electronical Control Units” A regular Toyota or European car relies on dozens or more of these to make the car work.

    However, research found that Tesla really only relies on one central component to take care of both autonomous driving and the entertainment part.

    Self-driving AI sends shivers through traditional supply chains

    From the article

    This actually is big news, because it indicates Tesla has chosen to develop core technology in house, becoming (more) independent of supply chains. As of this writing, Tesla produces a fraction of what VW and Toyota output. To achieve the scale, automotive Industries traditionally groomed a rich ecosystem of suppliers, to form the entire value chain.

    Automakers worry that […] will render obsolete the parts supply chains they have cultivated over decades, […]

    From the article

    However, it appears Tesla has an substantial competitive through this supplier independence. All of the above worry aside, Automakers will have to invest their capacity and headcount to catch up with this assumed advantage of 6 years.

    Source: Nikkei Asian Review

  • Tesla announces electric Pick-Up

    Tesla announced an electric ‘Cybertruck‘, at a low price, that has a long range. Meanwhile, the 2017 announced Semi Truck, starts production with ‘limited volumes‘.

  • Tesla explodes in Russia

    Monday morning. Apparently a Tesla exploded on a Russian highway after a crash.

    A Tesla vehicle involved in a collision burst into flames and exploded on a highway near Moscow last night, local media reported. The occupants were slightly injured, but the car is toast.

    Source: Tesla explodes after crash on Russian highway – TechCrunch