Tag: survey
A little over 50 Euros are acceptable
The 9-Euro Ticket was considered experimental in first place. And still deemed to become a huge success in Germany. At the price-point, the ticket was unbeatable and created lots of debates about the future of mobility in the country. First research showed accessible public transport can lay grounds for a modal shift in the population.…
Experience Conflict
Experience Conflict. Of course one needs to ask to learn how customers feel or use a product to improve. Sometimes these needs and goals are conflicting and easy to mess up the experience.
Kalenderwoche 2/11 für MBAs
MBA Infoabend: Am 9. sowie 20. Januar 2011 lädt die Open University Business School zum Infoabend ins Hilton Hotel an der Rosenheimer Str. 15 in München ein. Weitere “Business and Management Information Events” finden im Lauf des ersten Quartals in München, Stuttgart und Hamburg statt. Die Seite der OUBS findet sich hier: http://www8.open.ac.uk/europe/in-your-country/germany/events. fernstudium-presse.de veröffentlicht…