The Green Software Foundation offers a catalog of green patterns for AI, the cloud, and the web. We, as an industry, need to decarbonise software and reach a greener computing model.
Find the patterns here
The Green Software Foundation offers a catalog of green patterns for AI, the cloud, and the web. We, as an industry, need to decarbonise software and reach a greener computing model.
Find the patterns here
FossID is a software composition analysis tool that scans code for open source licenses and vulnerabilities. It is the third acquisition by Snyk in the past 6 months.
FossID, a software composition analysis tool that scans code for open source licenses and vulnerabilities
Source: Snyk Acquires FossID to Accelerate Worldwide Developer-First Security Adoption | Snyk
Wow. This is a rather big announcement for the tech-industry and the entire Silicon Valley.
Oracle is the latest tech company to relocate from California to Austin, Texas.
reports CNBC.
Source: Oracle is moving its headquarters from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas
Everybody in software development knows the feeling. In every position involved, right? Source:
In Softwareprojekten an sich Aufgabe des Scrum Masters gegenüber dem Team und dem Product Owner oder dem allgemeinen Management. Häufig wird die Rolle als “Beschützer des Teams” wahrgenommen. Der Scrum Master soll dem Team helfen, eine realistische Einschätzung Ihrer Fähigkeiten abzugeben und nur Aufgaben zu committen, die realistisch in einem definierten Zeitrahmen geliefert werden können. Unter anderen Aufgaben dient diese dem Zweck, Erwartungshaltungen der Stakeholder zu managen und das Team vor überzogenen Ansprüchen zu schützen. Längerfristig führt das zu einem guten oder besseren Verhältnis zwischen allen Beteiligten, mit einem Vertrauen in gegenseitige Erwartungen und Aufgaben. Ein gutes Verhältnis wiederum hilft dabei, produktiver Software zu schreiben und Mehrwert zu liefern, anstatt Diskussionen zu führen.
Die paar Worte auf einer Fliese in einem Schaufenster beziehen sich mutmaßlich eher auf rein zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen. Dort ist es aber genau so wichtig, sich gegenseitig zu verstehen.
Constellation Research published and awarded their Enterprise Awards to companies in 2019. R “Ray” Wang mentioned in a brief tweet:
By The Constellation Research Team Awards Showcase What Was Top Of Mind In Enterprise Technology At The End of The Decade This year the Constellation Research team attended over 270 events, engaged
The awards come in 9 distinct categories, that each comes with a elaborate description why the respective winner deserves the award.
Congrats to all the winners and nominees!
Today Kubernetes released it’s version 1.17. The software is one of the most popular open source projects ever. It allows managing containerised applications and micro-services. The release arrives at the end of a regular development cycle.
After the project was announced in 2014 by two Google employees, it hit a first 1.0 milestone on July 2015. The project gained massive popularity in the cloud world because it enables scalable infrastructures and service. With the Kubernetes 1.0 release, Google partnered with the Linux Foundation to form the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a new home for the technology.
Since Kubernetes became publicly available, it gained popularity quickly and today is commonly used as the main way to host microservice-based implementations, mostly because Kubernetes and its associated ecosystem provide a rich choice of tools with all the capabilities that are needed to address key concerns of any modern software architectures.
With Kubernetes 1.17 released today, the package comes with more details on the release in the Release Schedule or in particular on the Changelog.
When Python3 came out in 2009, it was already heavily debated. Python3 would be incompatible with previous versions of the popular language, but fix many drawbacks. While the vision was clear and the community initially planned to move forward much quicker. The demand for having a 2.x branch was so huge, however, that the community decided to extend support for 2.7 until the end of 2019. Stack Overflow took a look on why the path took so long.
All too often, the task list for your teams shared project management tool shows items like “Create Workflow” or “Define Process”. Items that do resonate well in the flow of work and in the nexus of individuals. But they do fall short of allowing the rest of the organization to grasp the meaning and even fail to do so for the reporter when some time has passed.
Some consice expressions on expectations on what this story or ticket is about can do wonder to getting things done. Rather than “defining a a workflow”, for example the product management team would
The core idea is to eliminate any discussion about when an issue, item or story is delivered and is unique across function. Of course, the above serves as an example and will vary by team and work, and needs revision in any particular scenario. Having specific action advise will help reducing debates and focus on an actual deliverable, that is done by all opinion.
Source: Unlock your product organization’s potential by defining “done”
It appears Salesforce was shutting down its services May 17th 2019. Reason was a faulty configuration of scripting options, that allowed users to access to all their company’s Salesforce data. To prevent worse, Salesforce shut down.
Salesforce said the script only impacted customers of Salesforce Pardot – a business-to-business (B2B) marketing-focused CRM.
However, out of an abundance of caution, the company decided to take down all other Salesforce services, for both current and former Pardot customers.
Source: Faulty database script brings Salesforce to its knees | ZDNet