The OWASP Project is looking at the Internet of Things, too, and published a top 10 of security concerns for that matter. While all of this is reasonable for the Internet of Things, it can be applied very generally for the Internet of anything. Good security pays in every environment, it’s just the Internet of Things has potentially more attack surface.
Tag: security
OWASP Internet of Things Top Ten Project
Data and Goliath
Data and Goliath Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World
Bruce Schneier wrote a book about Big Data, mass surveilance and the Internet of Things. Schneier talks about how this effects society and what to do about the increasing datarization of everything we’re doing.
Plenumstreffen Sicherheitsnetzwerk München
Plenumstreffen 2015
Des Sicherheitsnetzwerkes München.
Am 22. Januar traf sich das Plenum des Sicherheitsnetzwerkes München.
Agenda der Veranstaltung, die von Peter Möhring, Leiter der Geschäftsstelle, und Dr Kathrin Jaenicke, geleitet wurde, beinhaltete im wesentlichen den Rückblick auf das vergangene Jahr wie auch die Perspektive auf das kommende Jahr.
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Top Influencers in Security
Tripwire has a recommendation of Security Influencers to follow in 2015, along with their Twitter handle. While I second all of the recommendations, it is particularily notable that 3 out of these 15 names work – or have worked – for Akamai. These guys are @BillBrenner70, @gattaca and @JOSHCORMAN. Every individual on the list had the opportunity to answer, which infosec-related superpower he would unlock, which makes the list a bit of an entertaining read, too.
Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015.
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Visualization for Security
Security is hard. Visualization may help understanding what is going on a lot easier and better. Raffael Marty presents ideas and visualizations to improve security through graphs.
IEEE-SA – Anti-Malware Support Service AMSS
The IEEE Standards Assocation has launched an Anti-Malware Support Service to help the computer security industry respond more quickly to malware.
Link to the Anti-Malware Support Service.
@GitHub hit by #DDoS