Tag: security

  • #Hackerangriffe


    Weil es gerade in allen Medien heiss diskutiert wird: ein paar kleine Tips, wie man den schlimmsten Problemen im Internet ein bisschen vorbeugen kann und potentiellen Schaden vorbeugend eingrenzen kann. Wikipedia zu den Vorfällen dazu. PC und TelefonAlle System-Updates Zeitnah installieren Privatsphäre-Optionen auf allen Geräten nutzenBerechtigungen von Apps auf Telefonen und Tablets stark beschränken (Kontakte,…

  • A quick introduction to web security

    CORS, CSP, HSTS, and all the web security acronyms!link.medium.com/jMrLJYrzBR

  • Security Planner – Improve your online safety with tools for your needs.

    The Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, focusing on research, development, and high-level strategic policy and legal engagement at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. released “Security Planner” early last week. Security Planner is a tool that will guide…

  • Smart TV Security

    So, this is the future of security with smart devices. Samsung has confirmed that its “smart TV” sets are listening to customers’ every word, and the company is warning customers not to speak about personal information while near the TV sets. The company revealed that the voice activation feature on its smart TVs will capture all nearby conversations.…

  • Docker 1.10

    Docker announced version 1.10 past week. The new release contains more than 100 improvements over the previous version. New features include better resource management, a more flexible docker-compose file format and improvements to security. These are in particular through user namespace isolation, implementation of seccomp for syscall filtering and an authorization plugin to restrict access…

  • Telefónica on protecting #IoT

    Whatever we do, it’s not sufficient. Because the technology is developing and evolving at a pace too quick. That’s what Telefónica concludes. No surprise there. The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at an enormous pace, much so that it outpaces any and all security efforts. via: ITProPortal.com

  • State of Internet of things security

    Forrester, well known for their predictions on the impact of technology, took a look at the state of Internet of Things Security. To no surprise they came to the conclusion the technology still has to come a long way.   Forrester’s take on the Internet of things isn’t that shocking–the industry has developed with little thought about…

  • Internet of Things security

    Security on the Internet of things has often been said to be bad. Apparently Shodan runs a search engine for sleeping kids. Through kids monitor cams available to watch. Publicly on the internet. Enough proof the Internet of Things really needs security.  Shodan search engine is only the latest reminder of why we need to fix IoT…

  • Your home router.

    If you don’t patch that device, somebody else may. Says Symantec.

  • Project Zero looks at Kaspersky.

    Google’s “Project Zero” took a look at Kaspersky’s products. The result is unpleasant, if not to say devastating. The closing statement is a constructive mention towards Antivirus products. In future, we would like to see antivirus unpackers, emulators and parsers sandboxed, not run with SYSTEM privileges.