IEEE-SA Announces a Working Group Call for Participation to develop IEEE P2413(tm).
IEEE-SA – Anti-Malware Support Service AMSS
The IEEE Standards Assocation has launched an Anti-Malware Support Service to help the computer security industry respond more quickly to malware.
Link to the Anti-Malware Support Service.
IEEE: In vier Jahren gibt es keine Papier-Drucker mehr
Das Papierlose Büro existiert als Begriff schon mehrere Jahre, in der Praxis scheint das Konzept ferner denn je. Kevin Curran hat trotzdem mal eine Prognose gewagt, wie ich meine sogar eine recht optimistische.
IEEE: In vier Jahren gibt es keine Papier-Drucker mehr | heise online.
Region 8 GOLD Exceptional Volunteer Award
Both surprised and excited, I am also honored to have been awarded the “Exceptional Volunteer Award“, together with Khaled Mokhtar from Egypt and Tomislav Pokrajcic from Croatia from IEEE Region 8s
Young Professional Organization. This achievement would not have been possible without all the Student Branch, GOLD and German Section Volunteers! Congratulations to Khaled and to Tomislav, it is my honor to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring engineers!
Last Call for Nominations: IEEE MGA Committee Member and Liaison Positions – Deadline 1 August
The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2014 MGA Committee Member and Liaison positions. A complete list of available MGA positions, the MGA online nomination form, and information on the MGA Nominations and Appointments process are available.
Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self nominations are encouraged.
IEEE – IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nomination Form.
IEEE TMC Workshop on Integrated Project and Quality Management 21.06.2013 Munich
Das Technology Management Council der deutschen Sektion des IEEE veranstaltet am 21. Juni einen Workshop zum Thema “Integrieres Projekt und Qualitätsmanagement“. Ziel des Workshop ist den Zustand der gängigen Methoden zu bestimmen und praktische Beispiele zu liefern, wie Qualitätsmanagement eine schnelle und zuverlässige Daten-Quelle zur Entscheidungsfindung sein kann.
Veranstaltungsort ist die TU München, Arcisstr. 21, München, Raum 0999, Nähe Audimax.
Zeit: 21. Juni 2013, 13:00-18:00
Anmeldung über Aminado: IEEE TMC Workshop on Integrated Project and Quality Management 21.06.2013 Munich.