Tag: customer

  • Experience Conflict

    Experience Conflict

    Experience Conflict. Of course one needs to ask to learn how customers feel or use a product to improve. Sometimes these needs and goals are conflicting and easy to mess up the experience.

  • Consumer And Customer Experience Trends In 2022

    According to Forbes’ Bernard Marr, here are 8 Trends that will dominate 2022. Consumer expectations are shifting all the time, and with the ever-faster digitization of our world, customers want and expect better and different things from companies. Here we look at the top 8 consumer trends for 2022. Bernard Marr in Forbes

  • 200 #CX #Influencers to follow to kickstart #2021

    Customer Experience and digital marketing are still highly dynamic spaces. Keeping up to date is paramount to keep up the pace. Engati collected the most influential people on LinkedIn and Twitter you should follow to shape your filterbubble for 2021. Top 200 Influencers from customer experience, digital transformation, marketing automation, and technology domain to follow…

  • Innovationsdruck

    Gerade Technikfans kennen das Gefühl, auf die nächste Keynote eines Unternehmens zu warten, um zu erfahren, welche Neuerungen das Portfolio ergänzen werden. Autofreunde kennen seit jeher den Produktzyklus Ihres Lieblingsherstellers. Wir alle schauen bewundernd auf neue Produkte, erwarten regelmäßige Verbesserungen. Innovation nennt sich die ständige Verbesserung, die iterative Aufwertung des Portfolios. In einem Gespräch mit…

  • Building a SaaS

    Building a product is always for a customer. Developing with this fact in mind helps developers turn their love for technology into more relevant results. Jake Levirne explains the approach for very technical products at Digital Ocean in a small series of videos. Digital Ocean Blog.

  • Communication in Software Projects. gif’d.

    Everybody in software development knows the feeling. In every position involved, right? Source:

  • ‘We’ve created a privacy industry’

    ‘We’ve created a privacy industry’ was a statement you could often hear when Europe introduced General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the German implementation DatenSchutz GrundVerOrdnung (DSGVO). Already back in 2016 first predictions arrived, that GDPR will boost European software industry and give them a unique selling point. After the regulation became effective in Europe…

  • Product First Step Feedback

    Product First Step Feedback: Having worked in customer facing roles most of my career, I have experienced first hand how important it is for clients to get quick impressions of a product. Opportunities to leave that impression are often limited. The other night, a colleague argued most products don’t even need a UI. And a…

  • Customer Relationship Management. Kundenbericht.

    Customer Relationship Management ist schon länger der am stärksten wachsende Software-Markt. Als Gewerbetreibender kommt man nicht umhin, sich mit dem Trend auseinanderzusetzen. Nur durch den Einsatz von Software kann man seinen Kunden besser verstehen und so sein Angebot verbessern. Heute möchte ich einmal kurz die andere Perspektive einnehmen, und eine kurze, aber mir sehr auffällige…

  • Data-driven Product Management

    In the age of Big Data, product management can leverage plenty of feedback. Any product decision can be based on data, too. Product Coalition has an article. Setting up User Analytics.