Tag: Amazon

  • Bei Amazon einkaufen lassen

    Der ehemalige Onlinebuchhändler ist seit jeher dafür bekannt, mit den Daten seiner Kunden zu arbeiten. Wired schreibt nun, dass der Konzern neue, recht weit gehende Ideen im zukünftigen Umgang mit solchen Informationen hat. Dem Bericht zufolge füttert der Konzern Kundendaten AI Agenten, mit dem Ziel diese stellvertretend Kaufentscheidungen treffen zu lassen. Ich halte das für……

  • Amazon Buys MGM Studios

    Apple will regret they didn’t snap up MGM. Today Amazon buys MGM Studios for US$9 billion. There are only few other content outlets of this quality, and prices for all others will go up. It’s official folks— Jeff Bezos now owns James Bond . After murmurs earlier this week, Amazon announced today that it had…

  • Does your organization rely on NPS?

    NPS is a popular method to measure how an organization or brand is perceived with customers and their satisfaction. The term is short for “Net Promoter Score”, indicating the key thought of the approach: to measure likeliness across the customer base the brand will be recommended further. It’s all boiling down to a single number.…

  • Tableau CEO Selipsky to lead AWS

    Selipsky has had major leadership roles in AWS for over 11 years before departing to Tableau as a CEO. At Tableau, Selipsky led the company through the acquisition by Salesforce in 2019, one of the largest acquisitions in history of enterprise software. Amazon has hired former executive Adam Selipsky, CEO of Tableau, as CEO of…

  • Slack partners with Amazon

    The market for collaboration tool has been sparked by Slack a few years ago. It has been subject to heavy fights since. Microsoft Teams not only entered the market but overtook the early mover quickly. The fight escalated perceivably when Slack accused Microsoft of ripping off its ads in late 2019. AWS and Slack recently…

  • Apple, Amazon, Google, and Zigbee Develop Open Smart Home Standard

    Source: Apple, Amazon, Google, and Zigbee Alliance to Develop Open Standard for Smart Home Devices – MacRumors Update: Google also reports on their blog.

  • Amazon Echo Frames

    Amazon released some smart glasses. The Echo Frames. Businessinsider Analysts Peter and Ayoub share. And while at lease one is concerned with security, I’m wondering why none refers to what happend to Googles approach to smart glasses.

  • Amazon Acquires INLT

    INTL offers solutions for importing. Numbers of the deal were not disclosed.

  • Amazon drone program

    Amazon seems to become serious about their drone delivery program. At Re:Mars the company announced a hexacopter that shall start deliveries in a few months. Does this go into “Tech” or “Business”? And would a drone be able to deliver to your property? Source: A drone program taking flight

  • SAP and AWS announce IoT interoperability

    Meanwhile, after Microsoft announced their cooperation with SAP in IoT with Leonardo, AWS also announced tighter integration with SAPs business processes. via aws.amazon.com/blogs