Docker 1.5 released on 10 February 2015. New features contain IPv6 support, read-only containers, stats, “named Dockerfiles”.
via Docker Blog.
Docker 1.5 released on 10 February 2015. New features contain IPv6 support, read-only containers, stats, “named Dockerfiles”.
via Docker Blog.
For the most of my career I spent time configuring TCP stacks, IP ACLs, firewall rules and layer2 links. I worked with devices of multiple vendors, pulled together hubs, switches, routers and packet filters, used hardware and software tools to find why an application won’t connect to a remore peer. For the most time. Still, these days are over, since I’ve choosen a career working with customers a few years back. And while the interesst in techology is still there, the desire to dive into cabling and repetitive flipping switches has become very low over the years. Just as everything else in computing has been consumerized by the cloud, the network itself is still manual work (if done properly).
Software-Defined Networks may be here to overcome this perpective.
Systemhäuser müssen sich ebenso flexibilisieren, wenn Sie Ihren Kunden das volle Cloudportfolio anbieten wollen.
via Soup von ungebeten.
Reinhard Clemens, CEO von T-Systems: »Im Wesentlichen haben wir nichts hinbekommen [...] «
Boston Dynamics, the makers of autonomous walking and running robots Big Dog and Cheetah, introduce their new 4 legged Spot.
via IEEE Spectrum.
A Xenon flash will cause the Raspberry Pi 2 to freeze
— Hacker News Bot (@newsycombinator) February 8, 2015
A new class of DoS for hardware?