Just like Perl, PHP always got a fair share of blame for some of it’s features. Today, the internet added to the list.
PHP: md5(240610708) == md5(QNKCDZO)
Just like Perl, PHP always got a fair share of blame for some of it’s features. Today, the internet added to the list.
PHP: md5(240610708) == md5(QNKCDZO)
More companies from the old economy discover the potential of the Internet of things. Miele and Microsoft team up.
Internet Blocking Regulations in the free western world, between 2004 and 2012.
Quelle: Internet Blocking Regulation
Auch Cyber-Security braucht modische Cyber Accessoires.
Leute, ernsthaft? pic.twitter.com/I8D7C3g0gU
— Nero (@HirteDerMeere) April 18, 2015
via: Schlecky Silberstein
Note the “We are connected to” section.
Very obviously, Internet was not very popular back then and lists under “coming soon”. While email and internet was available to Universities before, the “Deutsche Telekom” and others only started around the same time to commercialize internet access as a consumer product.
Sans Bullshist Sans. Pixelambacht created a font for the marketing generation, using ligatures. Install today for the next presentation.
A font that’ll get rid of all the bullshit.
Source: Sans Bullshit Sans — Leveraging the synergy of ligatures
Quick background facts for the game FC Bayern vs FC Porto in champions league tonight.
With an elevator through almost 500 years of New Yorks history. In 52s. It’s generated, not like the typical time lapse videos. Still very impressive.
Telefon kaputt: Mindestens 100.000 IP-Telefone von Telekomkunden bleiben diesen Sonntag stundenlang stumm.
via heise Netze.