Lese-Empfehlung: Constanze Kurz und Frank Rieger machen einen Ausflug zu den Maschinen, die unsere Arbeitsplätze ersetzt haben, in Getreide-Anbau und Ernte, in deren Verarbeitung, in Raffinerien und in Druckereien. Und Sie diskutieren die Zukunft, der Maschinen, die uns ersetzen werden, Robotern, die Produkte zusammenschweißen, die selbstständig durch Fabrikhallen fahren, von Autos, die bald das gleich tun können. Und Sie geben einen Ausblick, wie auch kreative Arbeit bedroht ist. Wie Bankautomaten den Bank-Mitarbeiter ersetzt haben, wie schon heute Nachrichten-Quellen automatisiert für den Handel ausgewertet und auch dieser an den Finanzmärkten automatisiert betrieben wird, und ein Start-Up sogar Sportberichterstattung einem Programm beibringt.
Iphone game that challenges you to not look at your Iphone
B-Social by Anti Apps is a game, that wants you to ignore your phone. Who ever can’t resist the urge and unlocks his device loses that round. Truly anti-social-media, it’s more real-life-social supporting.
To play B-Social, you turn the app on, and choose how long you want to ignore your phone. Unlock the screen before your time’s up and you lose that round.
Quelle: Iphone game that challenges you to not look at your Iphone
Schönen Vatertag auch.
Schönen Vatertag (via Charly Hochberg)
Quelle: Schöne Texte – Schönen Vatertag (via Charly Hochberg)
Venom PoC is out.
Nice one, @tagesspiegel! pic.twitter.com/pVIBVx8f8Q
— Johnny Haeusler (@spreeblick) May 13, 2015
'Venom' bigger than Heartbleed
Security researchers say the zero-day flaw affects “millions” of machines in datacenters around the world.
Security researchers found a flaw in QEMU, dating back to 2004. Lots of virtualization platforms inherited the bug. Since virtualization powers the cloud, this has some potential.
Quelle: Bigger than Heartbleed, ‘Venom’ security vulnerability threatens most datacenters | ZDNet
The White House Names Dr. Ed Felten as Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer
We are excited to announce that Dr. Ed Felten is joining the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer.
For whom the name does not ring a bell: Ed Felten is a computer security and privacy researcher at Princeton University. He has been involved in the SOny Rootkit analysis and voting machine analysis. He writes about techology and policy at Freedon to Tinker.
Quelle: The White House Names Dr. Ed Felten as Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer | The White House
Russia and China Pledge Not to Hack Each Other
Russia and China signed a cyber-security deal on Friday, agreeing to not conduct cyber-attacks against each other, as well as jointly counteract technology that may “destabilize the internal political and socio-economic atmosphere,” “disturb public order” or “interfere with the internal affairs of the state.”
Quelle: Russia and China Pledge Not to Hack Each Other – Digits – WSJ
Whistleblower accuses cybersecurity company of extorting clients
An FTC privacy and hacking case has been turned upside down. Now in question: whether a cybersecurity firm faked hacking evidence — that eventually destroyed a cancer lab.
Quelle: Whistleblower accuses cybersecurity company of extorting clients