
  • Meanwhile at Anonymous


    It’s dinnertime over at Anonymous!


  • Wireshark 2.0 Released, UI Rewritten In Qt5

    After 2 years of development, Wireshark 2.0 Released, UI Rewritten In Qt5 – writes Phoronix

  • Visual Studio now open source

    Microsoft announced it will be open sourcing Visual Studio Code at it’s connect(); developer conference. Code is available over at github. Alongside, MSFT released a preview extension that will allow debugging Linux applications using GDB, too.

    Microsoft doubles down on cross-platform software development.

    A huge move forward.

    Quelle: Ars Technica

  • Inaudible sounds to track you for ads.

    Following the recent debate about ad-technology and how annoying it is and advertisers insight, you may have though it could only get better from there. Turns out, it can be worse if these claims about tracking through inaudible sounds from ads hold true.

    Privacy advocates warn feds about surreptitious cross-device tracking.

    Quelle: Ars Technica

    Even though I’d consider this inacceptible from a consumers perspective, I’d be very curious about the (audio) technology and the kind of insight this provides, from a marketing perspective. Just consider a TV-Ad broadcasting this signal to a room full of people, for one the signal would sure be difficult to detect. And then, all devices carry the same cookie, making it difficult to identify individuals…

  • Docker: Swarm 1.0 released

    Today is a big milestone for Swarm: we’re taking it out of beta and releasing version 1.0, ready for running your apps in production. Swarm is the easiest way to run Docker applications at scale on…

    Quelle: Announcing Swarm 1.0: Production-ready clustering at any scale | Docker Blog

  • The workstation for the modern office worker.

    My guess is everybody in the office will give an arm and a leg to get one of these desks and become so much more productive. Instantly.

    At 5900,-$ it is a bit out range for our budget, though, but Mashable has still a good point about the device:

    …and it’s amazing.

    via: mashable

  • The Internet of TV

    The internet of things won’t only keep you from checking the time, it will also keep you from watching TV:

  • Coffee Tutorial

    Jeden Morgen einfach mit einer schönen Tasse Kaffee beginnen. Es ist so einfach!

  • The Internet of Things.

    This is the future of the Internet of Things.

  • Attribution

    While visiting the “Techdays Munich: Cyber Security“, the hashtag #6wordcyber was trending on Twitter. And during the talk about a new security law, the following tweet caught my eye:

    It is well known in the security community that attribution is hard. Attacks do usually not leave enough evidence to attribute it to a specific group. However, the one reason it really made me think is, because the talk I was listening to was very explicitly avoiding attribution. Which makes any risk to prepare for – and spend money and ressources on – very diffuse and therefore difficult to evaluate for probability.

    If a product can safe you from a thread that cannot be identified or quantified, this lacking relationship makes the statement FUD, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.