
  • Innovation

    Solche Zitate sind ja häufig schwierig. Fehlt grade noch, dass es auf einem GIF geschrieben steht, vor einem Landschaftsbild, das überhaupt mit dem Inhalt nichts zu tun hat. Aber das hier ist schön:

    Elektrisches Licht wurde nicht durch die Verbesserung der Kerze erfunden.

    Oren Harari

  • Dogmen gegen die Digitalisierung

    Sowohl in HR Strategieguides warnen Organisationen aktiv davor, wie auch in Karriereratgebern jeder Suchende davor gewarnt wird. Wenn “Dinge schon immer so gemacht werden”, meinen beide Parteien, ist etwas faul, weil eine Organisation sich damit der Konstante des Wandels verschließt. Und natürlich ist der Ratschlag sofort nachvollziehbar, es ist mittlerweile eine Allgemein-Weisheit, dass Wechsel und Veränderung gut sind, positives Klima für Innovation erlauben und für frischen Wind sorgen. (more…)

  • Das Dilemma mit der Digitalisierung

    Nun ist es  ja so, daß Digitalisierung seit Monaten, wenn nicht Jahren in aller Industrie-Munde ist. Man muss sich verändern, um den Konzernen aus USA, im speziellen dem Silicon Valley, mit Ihren neuartigen Geschäftsmodellen Schritt zu halten. Die Cloud ist der vermeintliche Treiber für diese veränderte Geschäftskultur, die eine nicht einzuholende Geschwindigkeit ermöglicht. (more…)

  • on technology

    This a bit old already, but came to my attention only today. Every Product Manager, Designer and Front End Engineer should read and repeat this every day. Every corporate marketing guy should print and frame this and have it hanging somewhere in sight from his desk.

  • Vim 8 released

    Vim 8 was released today.
    Features include:

    – Asynchronous I/O support, channels, JSON
    – Jobs
    – Timers
    – Partials, Lambdas and Closures
    – Packages
    – New style testing
    – Viminfo merged by timestamp
    – GTK+ 3 support
    – MS-Windows DirectX support

    Nobody knows why.

    Source: Vim

  • BOX-256

    Box-256 is a browser game Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-04 um 18.38.57
    where you need to solve
    small tasks, e.g. let a program draw a square, in your browser. Through writing assebly. Since I wrote quite a bit assembly throughout my career, I thought this is interesting. Still, I failed at level one. Mostly because of impatience.

    Source: BOX-256 – Tiny game about writing assembly to pass the graphics tests.

  • ssl and https with letsencrypt! now (finally) leverages https!

    It has a certificate from letsencrypt, automatically verified by the service, maintained and deployed by docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion.

    The deployment has been considerably easy through docker-compose, adding the container to the existing nginx-proxy like this:

    version: '2'
     image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
     container_name: nginx-proxy
     - "80:80"
     - "443:443"
     - "./certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro"
     - "/etc/nginx/vhost.d"
     - "/etc/nginx/conf.d"
     - "/usr/share/nginx/html"
     - "/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro"
     image: jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
     - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
     - "./certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw"
     - nginx-proxy
  • IoT Week 35/16

    A few links I came across this week I believe are relevant for the Internet of Things. This is neither complete nor conclusive, but maybe helpful for somebody else.

    IFA 2016 opened

    The “Internationale Funk-Ausstellung” 2016 opened it’s doors in Berlin, for the 53rd time since 1923, making it one of the oldest trade fairs for consumer technology.

    Thread and EEBus announce cooperation

    EEBus, a European lead initiative for interoperability in the Internet of Things, announced a liaison agreement with the Thread Group.

    Wired Germany has an commentary.

    GE is turning into a 124-year-old-startup, reports the NY Times.

    Claiming to behave like a startup in specific areas is a common theme in enterprises, and so did GE adopt the phrase to claim innovation, too. The NYtimes has an article.


    Security Issues in the Loxone Smart Home Product, a german IT news site, reports Loxone, an Austrian vendor, works with default passwords in it’s Home Automation products.



  • Volunteering and the Work-Life Balance #SYP2016

    As exciting the #SYP2016 in Regensburg has been, it has been volunteers that made it happen. That means, just like all the other IEEE volunteers, the organizing team has not been paid to do it and they did it in their spare time.

    Therefore, a huge applause to those sacrificing their spare time from work and family to make the events happen and contribute to the profession.

  • MSFT and AMZN dominate the cloud.

    Fortune has an article on how Amazon Web Service and Microsoft dominate the cloud market. No surprise there, though. Also, that Google comes in third is no huge surprise.