
  • Meanwhile in Japan

    Science Professor Reportedly Admits to Making MDMA With His Students Because What the Hell

    A pharmaceutical science professor in Japan allegedly taught his students how to make the illegal drug MDMA, and claimed it was important for their education.

    Source: Science Professor Reportedly Admits to Making MDMA With His Students Because What the Hell

  • 26 incredibly useful Google Calendar tips

    Google Calendar is sure popular with people in likewise positions. The linked article has a bunch of pointers that I had no clue about yet. Those are useful for me, thought I share.

    Upgrade your agenda with this cornucopia of advanced options, shortcuts, and features for Google Calendar.

    Source: 26 incredibly useful Google Calendar tips

  • #SAP Leadership Announcement

    Some huge changes to start the Weekend with at . As Executive Board Member and President of the Cloud Business Group Robert Enslin decided to step back from his role and pursue an external opportunity,  Jennifer Morgan will succeed him as president of the Cloud Business Group (CBG). Adaire Fox-Martin will assume the role of president in the Global Customer Operations.

    Morgan and Fox-Martin Expand Responsibilities

    Source: SAP Leadership Announcement

  • Chinese woman carrying malware arrested at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort

    In Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s ganz eigenem Lieblings-Golfresort, ist eine Frau mit Malware auf einem USB Stick verhaftet worden. What a time to be alive. Es fehlt eigentlich nur noch, dass Sicherheitsdienste ausgebildete USB Spürhunde mitbringen.

    A worrisome development for the US Tweeter-in-Chief

    Source: Chinese woman carrying malware arrested at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort – The Verge

  • Uploadfilter: Twitch nicht mehr in Europa

    Neulich so:

    “‘Artikel 13’ betrifft kaum Platformen und Nutzer, maximal 5%”

    Heute so:

    Vor einer Woche ist die umstrittene EU-Urheberrechtsreform verabschiedet worden. Als erste große Plattform deutet jetzt der Videostreamingdienst Twitch Uploadfilter und

    Source: Uploadfilter: Twitch erwägt Ausschluss von EU-Nutzern –

  • WhatsApp features


    WhatsApp is finally rolling out a feature that will prevent anyone from adding you to a group without your permission from today.

    Aber vielleicht ist Signal doch die mehr zu empfehlende Lösung.

    Source: WhatsApp finally lets you prevent people from adding you to their shitty groups

  • Skrillex reduces Mosquito bites

    From the ‘Not the Onion’ department: Skrillex reduces Mosquito bites.

    Sound and its reception are crucial for reproduction, survival, and population maintenance of many animals. In insects, low-frequency vibrations facil…

    Source: The electronic song “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” reduces host attack and mating success in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti – ScienceDirect

  • Tech for Managers

    First, I was excited to see a “Web Technologies for Managers” course exists.

    Then, I reminded myself how often I rant on the internet that “tech is dead” and all industries get digitized. It’s not too long ago that successful companies required their managers to have an understanding of the business they are in. That is mechanical engineers managing car manufacturers, electrical engineers managing electronics businesses. Only the digital industry seems to have technical managers and business managers.

    I periodically remind people how difficult the question “are you doing business or technology” is any tech driven. Even McDonalds has their managers flip burgers to start their engagement with the company, to give them an understanding of how the business looks like really.

    Next time you hear this question, or worse, ask this question, ask yourself: “Am I in the right business”. Likely, you are better qualified doing something else. The reasoning for this harsh thought is simple. Assuming you see yourself in the high tech business and expect your counterpart to do business with you, you need to radiate confidence about what you are doing. Asking this question high tech managers clearly transports you only know half of the story.

    Being an engineer and a business person, I haven’t taken the course itself, hence I cannot recommend it. But I can recommend any person in the business to flip burgers for a few weeks, or the digital equivalent, follow a few technical tutorials. Preferrably from the company you are working for but also, Google, AWS or Github offer plenty of free courses to get your hands dirty. And all of these are free of charge, there is no excuse not to understand technology to that extent that it adds value.

    Nevertheless, here is the link: “Web Technology for Managers“. Go learn something.

  • Internet wird kein Massenmedium

    Zur Debatte um Digitalisierung ein schönes Fundstück aus dem Jahr 2001. Damals hatten wir schon DSL in der WG und mp3 zu tauschen war unter den Musikambitionierteren Studenten groß in Mode. Gut, vielleicht war mein Umfeld auch keine Referenz für den allgemeinen Zustand der Gesellschaft, aber meines Erachtens konnte man damals den Trend schon gut Absehen. Gerade der Neue Markt hat ja seit 1997 oder 1998 einiges an Aufmerksamkeit ausserhalb der Technik-Szene erzeugt und sich am Ende mit dem Zusammenbruch bis etwa 2003 zurückgehalten. Als sprach 2001 eher mehr dafür, dass das Internet nicht wieder weggeht. Trotzdem waren zum 2. März 2001 wohl noch Leute der Meinung, dass Internet kein Massmedium werden würde. Es sind vermutlich die gleichen gewesen, die 18 Jahre später Neuland durchschreiten.