
  • From Data to Product

    In an ideal world, product managers have plenty of data they can use to validate their idea before building the wrong product. Yana Yushkina describes her journey from a Data Analyst to a Product Manager.

    She talks about characteristics a good PM should bring, that include foundational analytical understanding, curiosity not just for technology but to search for the right answers in data, a sense of responsibility and the ability to communicate.

    All of that combined with the right metrics at hand and self sufficient mindset will give a Product Manager the right answer from data.

    Via Product School.

  • Apple to treat web tracking as vulnerabilities

    Online tracking sees harsh criticism and rigid treatment in other browsers for a good reason. Apple stepping up the game with Safari is a good sign for privacy in online usage. In particular with Apple making security and privacy a central value proposition for its devices, such a strict policy is long overdue.

    Apple ups its privacy battle with a new “WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy” that aims to prevent all forms covert tracking online.

    Source: Apple will soon treat online web tracking the same as a security vulnerability

  • Of listening and contributing

    With knowing marketing personal and products, I particularly liked the image/text link on the article. Listening to your customer is a skill that most organisations lost in their size and product managers never learned in their bubble. Your customer doesn’t express his experience in KPIs nor does he respond to NPS surveys. Frontal address only takes your brand or product as far as your consumer allows you to.

    Initials look at experiential marketing and advise marketers to listen to consumers and add to culture. / Matty Adame

    Experiential can be incredibly powerful. But getting it right isn’t straightforward; there are a number of factors you need to take into account in order to be successful. We recently worked with a variety of partners to develop a whitepaper – Live Amplified – exploring why experiential is so essential to a brand’s authenticity, and how to get it right.

    Source: Understanding consumer motivation: The importance of listening and contributing | The Drum


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  • Tesla explodes in Russia

    Monday morning. Apparently a Tesla exploded on a Russian highway after a crash.

    A Tesla vehicle involved in a collision burst into flames and exploded on a highway near Moscow last night, local media reported. The occupants were slightly injured, but the car is toast.

    Source: Tesla explodes after crash on Russian highway – TechCrunch

  • Specification of DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections

    While a lot of people debate DNS-over-https (and it’s dependencies), IETF has a specification for DNS-over-QUIC on it’s standards track.

    This document describes the use of QUIC to provide transport privacy for DNS. The encryption provided by QUIC has similar properties to that provided by TLS, while QUIC transport eliminates the head-of-line blocking issues inherent with TCP and provides more efficient error corrections than UDP. DNS over QUIC (DNS/QUIC) has privacy properties similar to DNS over TLS specified in RFC7858, and performance similar to classic DNS over UDP.

    Source: Specification of DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections

  • Apple raises bug bounty

    Macrumors, among others, reports. A good move in the vulnerability ecosystem.

  • 10 Munich-based startups

    As one of the top technology hubs in Europe, Munich is an economic powerhouse, hosting the presence of international corporations, strong VC support, top universities and of course, the Oktoberfest. Many startups choose to make the city their headquarters each year – and here are 10 of the most promising Munich-based to watch in 2019.

    Source: 10 Munich-based startups to look out for in 2019 and beyond

  • GitHub Actions


    GitHub today released a CI/CD Tool, GitHub Actions. With the tight integration into development workflows and rich, community maintained build-command, actions appears an interesting competitor in the market. As a minimum, the release indicates the importance of CI/CD for the modern software development lifecycle.

    Developer productivity and frictionless workflows have been buzzwords for the past half decade and the arrival and rapid growth of Travis-CI, Jenkins or Cirlce-CI have proven the resonance in development organisations. GitHub has outstanding testimonials from day one on the announcement and the ecosystem appears to be ready to go.

    It is an offering that comes with appealing integrations and a competitive price, that sure is worth watching.

    GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

  • Denial of service at a restaurant

    EMS, police and fire personnel need to prepare for being asked to leave a restaurant, coffee shop or grocery store
    EMS, police and fire personnel need to prepare for being asked to leave a restaurant, coffee shop or grocery store

    Old and busted: How to respond to Distributed Denial of Service on the Internet

    New hotness: How to respond to Denial of Service in a Restaurant.