
  • macOS Catalina: Update Probleme

    Mein Haupt-Macbook Pro von 2014 ist von der Problematik betroffen. Wer bis jetzt noch nicht ge-updated hat, will vielleicht noch ein paar Tage warten.

    Zu macOS Catalina laufen hier weiterhin zahlreiche Fehlerberichte ein, sodass wir damit rechnen, dass Apple zeitnah ein erstes Update für das neue Mac-Betriebssystem veröffentlichen wird. Unter den gemeldeten Problemen findet sich viel „Kleinkram“, allerdings machen auch drei bisher nicht gelöste, größere Unstimmigkeiten Benutzern zu schaffen. In seltenen Fällen kommt es dabei auch zu Totalausfällen der […]

    Source: macOS Catalina: Update läuft nicht für alle Nutzer glatt ›

  • Kong acquires Insomnia

    Kong, a vendor of cloud native Microservice and API Gateway Software and Services, acquires Insomnia. Goal of the acquisition is offer new api testing capabilities, that Kong plans to turn into an end to end API lifecycle management product.

  • Sony confirms PlayStation 5

    Surprise! Sony’s Playstation 5 will be called: Playstation 5!

    Along with new haptic feedback tech that replaces rumble in controllers.

    Source: Sony confirms PlayStation 5 name, holiday 2020 release date – The Verge

  • Contentstack raises $31.5 million

    Contentstack raises $31.5 million

    ContentStack, which claims to have invented “Headless CMS”, raised $31.5m in a Series A funding.

    ContentStack raises $31.5m

    Contentstack, the tech startup that powers omnichannel content, digital experiences and personalized customer journeys, has raised $31.5 million in Series A funding to scale sales and marketing to reach more industries and geographies, as well as to build out the partner ecosystem […]

    Source: Contentstack raises $31.5 million in Series A funding | Startups News | Tech News

  • Microsoft is all in on Hardware has a rundown of Surface Laptop, Surface Duo, Surface Earbuds, Neo and everything else Microsoft announced at their Surface event this week.

    Here’s a quick rundown of Microsoft’s exciting new hardware for the coming year, including Surface laptops, earbuds, a foldable phone, and more.

    Source: Surface Duo, Neo, and everything else at Microsoft’s packed hardware event

    The Verge has a summary in 11 minutes:

  • California cracks down on deepfakes

    It was obvious Deepfakes came to stay, when they first surfaced in the shape of Pornography on Reddit in 2017.

    Meanwhile, it appears, the issue has become that much of an issue it needs legislation. California now cracks down on political and pornographic deepfakes and passed two new bills, that a) will make deepfakes illegal and b) will allow anyone affected to sue the creator.

    Source: California cracks down on political and pornographic deepfakes

  • What Gizmodo ‘Knows’ About Facebook

    What Gizmodo ‘Knows’ About Facebook

    This Friday, Gizmodo accused Facebook of suppressing stories they published on their platform. The evidence is based on staff observations, including Family and Friends. All together, the allegations don’t appear to be very reliable, yet imaginable. Facebook acts weird all too often, and in this case Gizmodo claims the case was about news over Mark Zuckerberg, the companies CEO.

    Mark Zuckerberg

    On Friday, Gizmodo uncovered shocking new evidence that Facebook is using its platform to suppress stories about CEO Mark Zuckerberg… or maybe his janky, busted-ass website is just bugging out again for no reason. It’s hard to say, really. That’s sort of the problem.

    Gizmodo, Friday Oct. 4, 2019

    Unrelated to these new findings, Facebook has plenty of other issues, that should make them a company not to work with. The incident, and the pure possibility such a case of influence is possible, is another indicator to why society develops fear over Big Tech. The answer once more may be another call to , however, as long as Facebook has the reach and the attention, this won’t change.

    Source: What We ‘Know’ About Facebook

  • MacBook Air cooling.

    So, I’m going to guess, that the reason that this machine is brain dead, even though it has it’s primary power rails, is because… Apple.

    Louis Rossmann at 1.46 of the video.
    Louis opens new Macbook Air, immediately looses mind.
  • Cartoon

    Bisher kannte ich Marian Kamensky nicht, der offenbar für Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Focus, Nebelspalter, Eulenspiegel, und andere malt, aber folgende seiner Zeichnungen kam heute durch meine Timeline gefolgen. Woraufhin ich seine Twitter Timeline etwas durchscrollt habe, und dort viele tolle Dinge gefunden hab. An dieser Stelle nur der kurze Hinweis und eine Notiz, dass man seine Cartoons lizenzieren kann. Eine Verwendung hebe ich mir für andere Stellen auf.

  • New workflow editor for GitHub Actions

    Edit your GitHub Actions workflow files easier with features to help you minimize errors and more.

    Only after introducing Github Actions in August, the feature that is still in closed beta, the company seems to be serious about CI/CD. This week Github announced a new editor for Actions, to make it easier managing and updating workflows.

    Source: New workflow editor for GitHub Actions – The GitHub Blog