
  • What's new in Django 1.6

    For the interessted:

    [slideshare id=28280202&doc=whatsnewindjango1-131115071110-phpapp02]

  • Access Control Types

    1. Directive
    2. Deterrent
    3. Preventive
    4. Compensating
    5. Detective
    6. Corrective
    7. Recovery
  • Tiny ASCII-Fluid-Simulator

    Der International Obfuscated Code Contest liefert anständig ab.



    via Tiny ASCII-Fluid-Simulator.

  • EMail Protocols

    Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): Uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode.

    Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME): Uses the user’s encryption algorithm with RC2, DES, and 3DES for confidentiality.

    Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): Uses the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) for encryption of bulk data.

  • Data Link Layer Protocols

    Synchronous data link control / SDLC: supports loop or hub go-ahead configuration used with bounded and unbounded media.

    High Level Data Link Control / HDLC: Provides an option for a 32bit checksum, maintains data integrity, and provides flow control.

    Link access procedure balanced / LAPB: Performs packet framing operations, using I-, S- and U-frames.

  • WAN Protocol Characteristics

    Frame Relay

    • Provides point to point connections by creating virtual circuit paths.
    • Forwards frames and performs error check only at the end points.


    • Is designed to operate over unreliable network lines
    • works with the physical, data link and network layers of the OSI model.
  • Packet Switching / WAN Technology

    • X.25: defines communication between DTE and DCE devices.
    • Switched multimegabit data services (SMDS):
      • Is a connectionless protocol and can provide bandwidth for exchange of large amounts of data.
      • A connectionless, high-speed, datagram-based WAN technology for communication over public data networks.
    • Frame Relay: Forwards packets to their destinations and doesn’t unpack frames at each node.
    • Link access procedure balanced (LAPB): Ensures that frames are conrrectly sequenced and error free.
    • Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM):
      • transmits data in fixed size cells of 53 byte and can provide bandwidth on demand.
      • Connection oriented switching technology that uses a cell-switching method.
    •  Synchronous data link control (SDLC): bit oriented synchronous protocol.
    • High level data link control (HDLC): A bit oriented data link protocol.
    • Switching: A virtual connection which acts like a dedicated link between the sender and the receiver devices.
    • Password authentication protocol (PAP): uses an authentication server to compare supplied credentials against stored credentials.
    • Challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP): enables user auth without revealing a shared password between two entities.
    • Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP): works directly at the data link layer.
    • Point-to-point protocol (PPP): Supports asynchronous and synchronous connections and network protocol multiplexing.
    • Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP): Frames datagrams for transmission but doesn’t provide error detection or data compression.
  • Region 8 GOLD Exceptional Volunteer Award

    Khaled Mokhtar

    Both surprised and excited, I am also honored to have been awarded the “Exceptional Volunteer Award“, together with Khaled Mokhtar from Egypt and Tomislav Pokrajcic from Croatia from IEEE Region 8s

    Tomislav Pokrajcic

    Young Professional Organization. This achievement would not have been possible without all the Student Branch, GOLD and German Section Volunteers! Congratulations to Khaled and to Tomislav, it is my honor to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring engineers!

    Region 8 GOLD Exceptional Volunteer Award | IEEE Region 8.

  • Betreff: E-Mail


    Titelseite der heutigen Süddeutschen. Man fragt sich in der Tat.

  • Change management process

    1. Submit the change
    2. Approve the change
    3. Document the change
    4. Test the change
    5. Implement the change
    6. Report the change