For the interessted:
[slideshare id=28280202&doc=whatsnewindjango1-131115071110-phpapp02]
For the interessted:
[slideshare id=28280202&doc=whatsnewindjango1-131115071110-phpapp02]
Der International Obfuscated Code Contest liefert anständig ab.
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): Uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode.
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME): Uses the user’s encryption algorithm with RC2, DES, and 3DES for confidentiality.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): Uses the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) for encryption of bulk data.
Synchronous data link control / SDLC: supports loop or hub go-ahead configuration used with bounded and unbounded media.
High Level Data Link Control / HDLC: Provides an option for a 32bit checksum, maintains data integrity, and provides flow control.
Link access procedure balanced / LAPB: Performs packet framing operations, using I-, S- and U-frames.
Both surprised and excited, I am also honored to have been awarded the “Exceptional Volunteer Award“, together with Khaled Mokhtar from Egypt and Tomislav Pokrajcic from Croatia from IEEE Region 8s
Young Professional Organization. This achievement would not have been possible without all the Student Branch, GOLD and German Section Volunteers! Congratulations to Khaled and to Tomislav, it is my honor to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring engineers!