Stribika gives a bit of advice on how to make a ssh server secure. The advise is focusing on strong cryptography and authentication, along with specific configuration examples for openssh.
Stallman: Reasons not to use Uber
Uber has been debated emotionally in multiple geographies, with broad media coverage. Lot’s of people made up their opinion, here are Richard M. Stallman’s Reasons not to use Uber.
I found the fact(?) that Uber is capable of tracking one night stands most intriguing.
Netflix Traffic
via Statista.
Having participated in the IEEE Volunteer Leadership Training (VLT) was a great experience. The program was comprised from more than 20 sessions, covering IEEE Bylaws, Publications, Affinity Groups, Educational Activities, MGA and other relevant topics.
In a class with 32 graduates from 19 countries across all continents was a unique opportunity to make new friends!
Special thanks for running the program has to go to Maria Schneider, Cheryl Sinauskas, Loretta Arellano (Chair), Scott Tamashiro, and Ali Abedi
Prognose für 2015
Welche Vorhersagen man bereits heute für das Jahr 2015 treffen kann:
Via auslisten.
Für Netzneutralität
Die Süddeutsche hat Argumente für die Netzneutralität.
Introduction to Elliptic-Curve-Crypto
Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange published a site accompanying their talk “ECCHacks: A gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptography” at #31C3. The site is reachable at -
AirAsia Airbus missing
An AirAsia Airbus went missing.
AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact at 07:24hrs this morning
— AirAsia (@airasia) December 28, 2014