Category: Uncategorized

  • WhatsApp-Chats nicht wirklich geheim

    WhatsApp usually makes it a big thing they introduced end-to-end encryption. It’s a demonstration of how the larger corporate behind the messaging service, Facebook, values privacy and individual freedom of speech.

    Only, it turns out, messages sent through WhatsApp are not that private as they seem to be. ProPublica found and validate how Facebook can still screen private messages despite their “end-to-end encryption”.

    Usually, I’d say this comes to no surprise. However, I’d rather take this as an opportunity to recommend as an alternative. The team at Signal is committed to the mission of developing open source privacy technology that protects free expression and enables secure global communication. It is recognised by the community.


    WhatsApp assures users that no one can see their messages — but the company has an extensive monitoring operation and regularly shares personal information with prosecutors.

    Source: ProPublica

    Marcus Schuler, Correspondent for the German Public Broadcasters in the US, brought the findings to German media, here

    Bislang hat WhatsApp, das zu Facebook gehört, immer behauptet, alle Nachrichten seien geheim. Niemand könne sie lesen. Das US-Magazin “ProPublica” hat jetzt festgestellt, dass das nicht die volle Wahrheit ist. Von Marcus Schuler.

  • Iconic Starship

    Iconic Starship

    SpaceX Starship is ranking pretty high in comparison to other rockets. This picture that Elon Musk tweeted has potential to become a famous poster a century later.

  • Change Notes müssen nicht technisch sein.

    Change Notes müssen nicht technisch sein.

    Slack liebt dich!

    Seid ehrlich. Niemand liest je die Änderung-Notizen seiner Apps, richtig? Und wenn doch, dann steht da “fixed performance issues”.

    Oder maximal noch “resolved minor problems.”

    Aber niemals steht da irgendwas wirklich wichtiges.

    Nicht so bei Slack. Slack liebt euch.

  • Cursed Technology

  .asciz "Hello, world!\n"
  .global _main
_main: mov $0x02000004, %rax
kubeaa: mov $1, %rdi /*
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  kube2: aa */
  name: nop
  kube5: mov msg@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rsi /*
  replicas: 1
      app: Nop
  kube6: aa */
        app: Nop
    kube3: mov $13, %rdx /*
      - image:
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: echoserver
        - containerPort: 8080
    kube4: aa */
      mov   $0x02000001, %rax
      xor   $0, %rdi
    From the tweet

    Feels kind of stuck in a time loop:
    a valid Kubernetes config that is also valid x86 assembly and will print “Hello World” when compiled by an AT&T assembler.

    The same yaml also needs 1.21 Gigawatts and accelerate to 88 miles per hour to return to the nineteen seventies.

  • Running Linux GUI apps in Windows 10

    Microsoft recently announced that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSDL) will be able to run Linux GUI apps. BleepingComputer already tested it. Without having experienced it myself, it feels like hell is freezing over. Nobody, ever, would have expected Linux to make an impact on Desktop computing. Seeing this come through Microsoft seems even more bizarre. This way, Linux can find a way to a really huge audience, possibly making it the first year of Linux on the Desktop.

    Windows 10 preview builds can now run Linux apps directly on the Windows 10 desktop using the new Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI. In this article, we go hands on with the new WSLg feature to demonstrate the types of graphical Linux apps you can now run.

    Source: Hands on with WSLg: Running Linux GUI apps in Windows 10

  • RIP Spencer Silver

    RIP Spencer Silver

    The inventor of the Post-it Note, aka the office password reminder, died.

    Pen and sticky paper still a great analog productivity hack

    Source: RIP Spencer Silver: Inventor of the Post-it Note, aka the office password reminder, dies • The Register

  • Crownpeak Acquires Digital Experience Platform Provider e-Spirit

    Crownpeak Logo

    Denver, US based Crownpeak Acquires Digital Experience Platform and CMS Software provider e-Spirit. The company was formerly owned by German IT Company Adesso.

    Source: PRNewswire

  • Sloth plays with Water

    We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.

    Bill Watterson
  • Like, if you still remember Applets

    Oracle is about to retire/deprecate the Applet API in JEP-398, that’s the “Java Enhancement Proposal”. The consequence will be that upcoming versions of Java won’t support Applets anymore. That is not a big deal, however, since all major browsers removed the necessary interfaces long ago.