Apple Releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 With Photos for OS X App, Emoji Updates
viaMac Rumors.
Apple Releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 With Photos for OS X App, Emoji Updates
viaMac Rumors.
(Direktlink, via Devour)
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.”
Blade Runner Reality (@bladerunnerreality).
via Daring Fireball.
In preparation of Django 1.8, the contrib package formtools was released as a stand alone package.
You cannot even buy it yet, but there is a game!
via ‘Rules!’ Is the First Official Apple Watch Game.
And there is a unicorn!
Slack hacked. Responds with transparency.
A role model for others.
Die Telekom hat offenbar ein anderes Internet, das kein IP verwendet. Oder das ist Satire.
Im sogenannten Voice-over-IP-Verfahren (VoIP) wird bereits mittels Datenverbindung über das Internet telefoniert, etwa über die Computersoftware Skype. Ein Ersatz für den herkömmlichen Telefonanschluss ist VoIP per PC allerdings nicht, denn sie bietet vergleichsweise geringen Komfort und Verbindungsabbrüche sind an der Tagesordnung.
Das ist beim Telefonieren über das Internet Protokoll ganz anders: Die Gesprächsverbindungen über IP erfolgen in hervorragender Sprachqualität und dem Kunden stehen alle Bequemlichkeiten moderner Telefon-Features zur Verfügung.
Oh hai Bulgaria!
Year 2015. Still eMail is the predominant means of communication. Everybody hates it, most companies make an effort to ban it. Atos wanted to go email free, Telekom shuts off their servers, Daimler even deletes email for people on vacation. Even I receive emails, saying “I need this, but I cannot answer”, quoting the “email free day policy”. Despite all effort, nobody succeeds.
Why? Unclear. While I think email should be banned myself, I have difficulties offering a better option. But I develop a feeling for why this is happening. This morning somebody mentioned he’ll be posting into a channel. That company claims to simplify communication, make teamwork less painful and busy, all searchable. As if nobody else tried that. And even if does a good job in what they aim for, they are just another solution.
In my personal, active use are, Pocket, Salesforce chatter. While my company introduces a community, colleagues swear on private Facebook groups or WhatsApp for simplified communication. Not to mention the tools customers and businesspartners are using. Popular among these are Jive, Atlassian Jira, SAP Jam, but not limited, I’ve seen self hosted communities, bug trackers and ticketing tools.
It’s difficult to keep track of all these tools. But they all send notifications through email.
Which tool do you use to communicate?
Google and Google Developer Groups arrange the Women Techmakers Munich Conference. The event takes place 28th of March 2015 in the HVB Forum in Munich. Details and background on Women Techmakers.
Registration via Eventbrite.