Category: Technology, Web & Cloud

The author has a background in computer science and a passion for new technology. When the degree was earned, the web was not too popular yet. That opened an opportunity to follow the entire process with huge fascination, and the journey didn’t end yet. Most of the development happens in Python and Django these days, but all other facets are interesting, too.

  • Palantir founding member of Gaia-X

    Palantir is an US based company specialising in Big Data, with a very particular focus on decision making for governental and corporate situations. The companies products have inspiring names like Gotham or Metropolis and have sparked ethical controversies, when it comes to their usage. In particular these two products provides capabilities to military and police, paving the way to what is referred to predictive policing. The company now is a founding member of Europe’s Gaia-X program, which Evgeny Morozov points out, is not compatible with European data sovereignty ideas.

  • The cloud is off.

    since about 13.00CET

    Google is down. That feels like the Internet is off. That is what was missing to make the year 2020 feel complete.

  • Pyston is back

    Pyston, the Python Runtime with Just-In-Time (JiT) compiler, appears to be back. After the project lost support from Dropbox, development seemed to have ceased. A new team just released version 2, that is compatible with Python 3.8. It promises 20% performance gain over cPython, the default implementation. Here is the announcement: The Pyston Blog

  • Python 3.9

    Python 3.9 is available. What’s new:

    New syntax features:

    • PEP 584, union operators added to dict;
    • PEP 585, type hinting generics in standard collections;
    • PEP 614, relaxed grammar restrictions on decorators.

    New built-in features:

    • PEP 616, string methods to remove prefixes and suffixes.

    New features in the standard library:

    • PEP 593, flexible function and variable annotations;
    • os.pidfd_open() added that allows process management without races and signals.

    Interpreter improvements:

    • PEP 573, fast access to module state from methods of C extension types;
    • PEP 617, CPython now uses a new parser based on PEG;
    • a number of Python builtins (range, tuple, set, frozenset, list, dict) are now sped up using PEP 590 vectorcall;
    • garbage collection does not block on resurrected objects;
    • a number of Python modules (_abc, audioop, _bz2, _codecs, _contextvars, _crypt, _functools, _json, _locale, math, operator, resource, time, _weakref) now use multiphase initialization as defined by PEP 489;
    • a number of standard library modules (audioop, ast, grp, _hashlib, pwd, _posixsubprocess, random, select, struct, termios, zlib) are now using the stable ABI defined by PEP 384.

    New library modules:

    • PEP 615, the IANA Time Zone Database is now present in the standard library in the zoneinfo module;
    • an implementation of a topological sort of a graph is now provided in the new graphlib module.

    Release process changes:

    • PEP 602, CPython adopts an annual release cycle.
  • How to destroy surveillance capitalism

    Cory Doctorow’s new book, published in a whole on OneZero.

    What if the trauma of living through real conspiracies all around us — conspiracies among wealthy people, their lobbyists, and lawmakers to bury inconvenient facts and evidence of wrongdoing (these conspiracies are commonly known as “corruption”) — is making people vulnerable to conspiracy theories?

    From the book

    While published as a blog, it is indeed a whole book. Even medium, the blogging platform, says it’s a 109m read. As all of what Cory Doctorow publishes it’s good food for thought and a worthwhile read.

  • Fotos von verlassenen Berliner Technoclubs

    Selber habe ich nur kurz in Berlin gelebt und das ist auch schon in einem anderen Jahrtausend gewesen. Trotzdem hat die Stadt mich mit der Clubkultur schwer beeindruckt. Und der Ruf eilt der Stadt ja nach wie vor voraus. Seit Corona alle Lokale verbietet, die sich zum Superspreader-Event entwickeln können, sieht das alles ein bisschen anders aus. Die Fotografin Christin Mino hat davon ein paar Fotos gemacht, und Vice berichtet darüber. Auch ohne Gäste haben Berliner Clubs einen ganz besonderen Charme. Ich hoffe sehr, dass die Pandemie die Kultur nicht zerstört.


    Mit ihrer Arbeit “after dance” möchte die Fotografin Christin Mino auf die problematische Situation der Clubs in der Coronakrise aufmerksam machen.


    Source: Fotos von verlassenen Berliner Technoclubs

  • Is 2020 over?

    The list – obviously – only covers the year up to May so far. And it includes increasing inequality, the protests against it, brexit, fascism, riots, climate change, locust plagues and of course COVID-19. Not to mention recent Ebola Outbreak in Kongo or earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park cluster.

    The list is over at And the year still has something to offer for sure.

    Via BoingBoing.

  • Every Video Call Ever

    Since COVID-19 let’s us work from home, we all made our experiences with Videoconferences. The tools make it possible to work from home, yet some still have to get used to the new freedom. We all know the feeling in these conferences, with colleagues listening or not, playing with their pets, kids or Zoom Backgrounds. Toggl, maker of fantastic time tracking software, nails it:

    Video Conference Bingo
    Video Conference Bingo
  • Papercraft

    For those bored in isolation, you can now build your own vintage computer. From paper. Following the instructions from Rocky Bergen, an artist and designer. Should work well with kids, too!

    C64 Papercraft, by Rocky Bergen

    Link: Papercraft.

  • language rankings: Python on par with Java

    Rising languages in RedMonk’s latest ranking include Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, and Dart.

    Source: New programming language rankings: Python now as popular as Java, as TypeScript climbs