Category: Technology, Web & Cloud

  • Have a bad day in IT?

    Read this, then: This is exactly why people matter, knowledge is important, backups are essential and documentation key. Safety and Security are not exclusively about the bad guys. #monday

  • Django Model-Owner

    The option to make a model owned by a user is actually documented for the Django Admin app. However, for reference, here are the steps: First, the model you want to have an owner needs to reference “User” as a foreign key: (in class Website(models.Model): submitted_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) url = models.URLField() Provided you…

  • Auth0: Log in to BTP with your social accounts.

    The recent acquisition of Okta (Auth0) caught my attention. Until last week, I didn’t know Auth0 beyond the libraries they provide for JWT. Upon further investigation, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that they are a company that was born in Argentina in 2013 and that their founders are passionate developers (When was the last…

  • DuckDuckGo calls out Google for spying on users.

    When Apple introduced labels in their app store to indicate which data an app would link to user information it created transparency for many. Only Google seemed to stop on moving forward and did not publish new versions of its apps. Until recently. Now that they are updated, DuckDuckGo, a search engine advocating privacy in…

  • Katherine Johnson

    Katherine Johnson fundamentally contributed to the calculations that led the Apollo-11 Mission to the moon. She received a Presidential Medal of Freedom for these achievements in 2015. The above comic found on Reddit honours her work.

  • to be optimistic about robots

    The older of readers may recall the (similar) name of Financial Times‘ reporter, asking the right questions about robots. Sarah O’Conner may not share the exact same name with one of Terminator’s main characters, but still triggered a few thoughts with her headline.

  • Linux on Apple Silicon

    The announcement is vague, the link gives 404. However, still somebody made a first move to port Linux to the recently announced M1 Chip, that will power future generations of Apple notebook devices. The community criticizes the approach: the port comes in a single patch with no documentation. Given the size of the patch this…

  • Post Mortem

    Remember when the Cloud was off earlier this month? Google published a post mortem article and root cause analysis on their Cloud Status Blog.

  • Palantir founding member of Gaia-X

    Palantir is an US based company specialising in Big Data, with a very particular focus on decision making for governental and corporate situations. The companies products have inspiring names like Gotham or Metropolis and have sparked ethical controversies, when it comes to their usage. In particular these two products provides capabilities to military and police,…

  • The cloud is off.

    Google is down. That feels like the Internet is off. That is what was missing to make the year 2020 feel complete.