Not to the moon, not even remotely. While sending Space Shuttles to the Moon is a thing of fiction, Space Shuttles docking to the ISS are a thing of reality. Still, the moon as a goal feels to fit the current mood a lot more. The year only started, the kids enjoy building the International Space Station in Lego and I enjoy writing and photography. Despite some hurdles life feels like coming back on track. Almost all the challenges of last year appear as a thing of the past. Goals are set for the year, personal and professional. No turbulence on the horizon, even Corona and the looming omicron variant seem to have a good chance to disappear in the first quarter of 2022. With that, after a long while, the coming year feels like it’s worth aiming for the moon. There is actually nothing visible in the way that could interfere with the plans. And still, the nice thing about a moonshot. If you miss, you’re still among the stars.