Author: Andreas
Die Wochenendaufgabe, erster Versuch. Hat nicht geklappt.
Snap acquires WaveOptics
Snap acquires AR display supplier behind its new Spectacles for $500 million
Als Großstädter ist schon ein kleiner Garten ein großes Glück. Aber der Eindruck verleitet schnell dazu, notwendige Arbeit heillos zu unterschätzen. In einem Garten auf dem Land ist man schnell Tagelang beschäftigt, wenn nicht sofort das ganze Jahr. Und so ist auf dem Bild auch nur ein Teil der Aufgabe zu sehen, die schon alleine für mehrere Schubkarren von Gartenabfall führt.
Styra Raises $40 Million in Series B
The company behind Open Policy Agent, Styra, announced they raised $40 Million in funding today. The software, OPA for short, is capable of controlling access and managing authorization in complex environments. Among others, it comes with integration for Kubernetes environments, and allows to centrally control multiple aspects of access control.
Styra has raised a $40 million Series B funding round to continue driving the reinvention of policy and authorization for cloud-native applications.
Pitch now valued $600M
Pitch, the startup founded by Christian Reber of Wunderlist Fame, raised a series B of $80 million. The Berlin based start-up in social presentations is on path to become a new unicorn. The investment demonstrates the believe in market potential for collaborative software in the cloud is still huge. Most of the potential comes from innovation that existing legacy software cannot deliver by being ported to the web. The actual potential comes from new ways to deliver software, enable cooperation and new ways to work, possibly disrupting legacy structures.
Powerpoint may still dominate the landscape for presentations in many people’s minds, but some might say that legacy status also makes Microsoft’s software ripe for disruption. Now, a startup out of Berlin called Pitch has just picked up a substantial Series B of $80 million to take it on with what it believes is a more dynamic approach.
Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers
“Does it run Doom?” is the ultimate nerd test for technology. CloudFlare passed today running multiplayer Doom on their edge worker network:
So, if a developer wants to run their next hit, say a real-time multiplayer game, using nothing but their app and Workers, without any servers or traditional infrastructure, can they? Let’s prove they can. Here’s Doom Multiplayer running on top of Cloudflare Workers.