Author: Andreas
Cursed Technology
Feels kind of stuck in a time loop:
a valid Kubernetes config that is also valid x86 assembly and will print “Hello World” when compiled by an AT&T assembler.The same yaml also needs 1.21 Gigawatts and accelerate to 88 miles per hour to return to the nineteen seventies.
The small things
It’s the small things that count. Sometimes events in life are just too overwhelming, in fact so much you can’t even take a photo a day. The past four weeks have been dark days, for the 2nd time this year.
Out of a sudden, things are different, the future is bleak, nothing makes sense anymore.
And then it’s the small things make you come back to a smile.
The twentyone project took a pause. The pause started around June 26th. For a good reason, that I don’t want to disclose publicly. It was a hard hit, to say the least, and to say twentyone is a crap year. However, I feel like I can resume the project starting July 23rd.