Author: Andreas
LockBit Group published Proof for Accenture Hack has published material the LockBit Group provided to proof their hack of the Accenture Network.
At first glance, it looks huge and worrying. Social media response at this time appears to acknowledge the proof.More here: LockBit 2.0 Proof for Accenture Hack – DeepWeb intelligence Feed
appfleet joins Cloudflare
appfleet is a Poland based company that develops and offers edge hosting of containerised apps. Edge computing is a trend that emerged a few years back and allows to bring applications closer to the end user, therefore reducing latency and improving user experience. Cloudflare, a player strong in this space, now acquired appfleet, augmenting it’s portfolio of workers with container capabilities. No details of the deal have been made public, however, we will see more of these type of acquisitions with the market starting to consolidate.
Summary: Due to a great synergy between our products, I am happy to announce that Cloudflare and appfleet are joining forces! The appfleet platform is shutting down, with all clusters going offline on October 31st 2021. Long story: When we started working on appfleet our goal was to build an
from the articleSource: appfleet joins Cloudflare
AI Wrote Better Phishing Emails
WIRED schreibt, dass es Forschern gelungen ist, mit Hilfe von GPT3, dem Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 ML Netzwerk, Phishing Mails zu erzeugen, die deutlich wirksamer sind als von Menschen geschriebene Mails.
Endlich ein Einsatzbereich für AI, der sich auch ohne VC Geld lohnt.
Source: AI Wrote Better Phishing Emails Than Humans in a Recent Test | WIRED
Change Notes müssen nicht technisch sein.
Seid ehrlich. Niemand liest je die Änderung-Notizen seiner Apps, richtig? Und wenn doch, dann steht da “fixed performance issues”.
Oder maximal noch “resolved minor problems.”
Aber niemals steht da irgendwas wirklich wichtiges.
Nicht so bei Slack. Slack liebt euch.