Author: Andreas

  • Nervennahrung

  • Apple may have to work alone on its electric car after failing to find a partner

    The Apple-Car has been a rumor for years. And mobility is one of the hottest bets for the future. Car manufacturers, in particular premium brands, are in a good position to defend their pool position. The news therefore does not sound surprising. At all.


    Some Apple gossip is pure fantasy, but some of the hearsay has roots in the real world. The Apple car falls into the latter category, and if a new report from Korean site is accurate, the company now plans to shoulder the entire development process of the autonomous and/or electric car on its own.


  • cloud based CI/CD issues – travis-ci

    Travis-CI published a security bulletin the other day, describing a special condition that would allow to access secrets belonging to a foreign repository in Github or Bitbucket. The condition requires a fork from a public repository. That’s how open source work, and very central functionality. Not a corner case.

    Turns out, the cloud service did address the issue, still plenty of secrets have been affected:

    While cloud technology is all great economically, this is another sample of why commercial software vendors need to consider third party vendors in their threat profiles.

  • WhatsApp-Chats nicht wirklich geheim

    WhatsApp usually makes it a big thing they introduced end-to-end encryption. It’s a demonstration of how the larger corporate behind the messaging service, Facebook, values privacy and individual freedom of speech.

    Only, it turns out, messages sent through WhatsApp are not that private as they seem to be. ProPublica found and validate how Facebook can still screen private messages despite their “end-to-end encryption”.

    Usually, I’d say this comes to no surprise. However, I’d rather take this as an opportunity to recommend as an alternative. The team at Signal is committed to the mission of developing open source privacy technology that protects free expression and enables secure global communication. It is recognised by the community.


    WhatsApp assures users that no one can see their messages — but the company has an extensive monitoring operation and regularly shares personal information with prosecutors.

    Source: ProPublica

    Marcus Schuler, Correspondent for the German Public Broadcasters in the US, brought the findings to German media, here

    Bislang hat WhatsApp, das zu Facebook gehört, immer behauptet, alle Nachrichten seien geheim. Niemand könne sie lesen. Das US-Magazin “ProPublica” hat jetzt festgestellt, dass das nicht die volle Wahrheit ist. Von Marcus Schuler.

  • Mac & Cheese

    Zutaten für 5 Portionen

    1 1/4 ELSenf
    1 1/4 TLSalz
    5/8 TLPfeffer
    62 1/2 gMehl
    250gKäse, gerieben. Am besten Cheddar oder Bergkäse
    1. Für die “Macaroni and Cheese” zunächst die Macaroni nach Packaungsangabe in Salzwasser kochen & das Wasser danach abgießen.
    2. Milch, Senf und Mehl zwischenzeitlich in einer Pfanne, am besten beschichtet, vermengen und mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Die Sauce über die Makaroni geben und erhitzen, bis die Sauce dickflüssig wird.
    3. Den Käses dazugeben und schmelzen lassen. Gut verrühren und auf 4 Tellern anrichten. Mit übrigem Käse bestreut servieren.

    Klingt besser, als es tatsächlich war.