Author: Andreas

  • Agile Theatre

    Agile Theatre Naming Convention v3
    Agile Theatre Naming Convention

    Did you ever work in waterfall managed projects? Coming to a company that introduced agile just recently, chances are you will recognise plenty of behavioural patterns. Playing the waterfall game to pretend to be agile is called an agile theatre.

    The phenomenon of this agile theater is not new. And in fact, a misunderstanding of fundamental principles in agile is one of the major issues with the introduction of this approach. Going full agile requires a fundamental change of culture, a lot of trust and self-sufficiency, that most companies cannot find easily, in particular coming from traditional industry best practices and established waterfall procedures. Most often the introduction of agile methods for project- and product management ends with the introduction of new language.

    In this matter, was kind enough to collect and publish a collection of translation helpers, to help you identify an agile theatre. The terms and their translations will help you identify agile theater much quicker.


  • Sequel Injection

    Sequel Injection

    @Federicomena is asking the right questions.
  • More movin’

    Respekt, du Einpackprofi.

  • This is going to be fun!


    Probably more to come in the next few days! I’m excited!

  • 2022 Top Technology Predictions | IEEE Computer Society

    IEEE Computer Society
    IEEE Computer Society

    The IEEE Computer Society’s 2022 Technology Predictions address 16 key technologies experts predict will have a major impact this year and beyond.

    Source: 2022 Top Technology Predictions | IEEE Computer Society

  • 1860

    kann man anzünden

    Es gibt sicher Zeitgenossen die behaupten würden, “das kann man anzünden”. Natürlich käme das in München einem Sakrileg gleich. Ganze Stadtteile verlieren den Fußballverein richtiggehend religiös. Selbstverständlich käme ich selbst nie im Leben auf die Idee, so etwas über einen solchen Feuerkorb zu behaupten, geschweige denn über den Fußballverein zu sagen. Trotzdem fand ich die Feuerschale für so beeindruckend, dass diese heute für das Foto des Tages erhalten musste.

  • Hallo DHL!


    Gehört das zum Service, dass Ihr mir Pakete schon in der Packstation aufmacht? Ich möchte das bitte lieber nicht…