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Author: Andreas
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Virtual Hollywood
Only yesterday we ran a show with our Head of Experience Technology to discuss how knowledge work did and will evolve. Of course, most people in this industry only need to have their notebook with them, eventually a good WiFi Connection. Some of the procedures are difficult to comprehend for other industries, in particular those that require physical presence. Shooting a movie, in my imagination, is one of those places that makes it necessary for people to gather, in particular in front of a camera.
Still, the future of work is coming to Hollywood, too, which I take as a great symbol.
A film shoot across multiple studios, without any green screens? Thanks to LED walls, decentralized production is now a real possibility.
via: Virtual production is decentralizing Hollywood – Protocol
Es ist ja bald Ostern
Meine Damen und Herren, der Osterhase. Wie er leibt und lebt.
Die Aufregung im Raum Süddeutschland war groß gestern. Der Himmel war durch Saharastaub zunächst über Bodensee, Hochrhein und Schwarzwald gelb gefärbt. Soziale Medien haben das Ereignis zunächst vereinzelt als apokalyptisches Zeichen, möglicherweise sogar als Fallout der Ukraine Krise interpretiert. Schnell war klar, dass es sich um ein seltenes Wetterphänomen handelt, in dem starke Winde aus Süd-West roten Sand mittragen. Sandstürme in der Wüste Tunesiens und Libyens ermöglichen es, daß der gelbe bis rote Sand zunächst über die Balearen und später die Alpen bis ganz nach Bayern verteilt wird. Heute, einen Tag später, liegt der ganze Sand auf Motorhauben in der Straße.
Nur ein kleiner Beitrag. Es hat sich angeboten. 🇺🇦
The Ideal Amount of Time Office for Maximum Engagement
Employee engagement suffers ever since the pandemic mandated home office for a huge chunk of the workforce. Smart scheduling software company Clockwise surveyed more than 1000 knowledge workers. Results hint at an optimal mix for best possible employee engagement.
From empiric observation, employee engagement has other factors that weigh heavy. In particular larger organisations with multiple locations face risk to detach employees by organisation. The physical office still needs organisational peers to show the above effect.
Trying to decide on your hybrid work policy? Read this first.
from the articleSource: Here’s the Ideal Amount of Time Employees Should Work in the Office for Maximum Engagement | Inc.com
200g Mehl, 30g Zucker, 1 Prise Salz, 4 Stk Eier, 300 ml Milch, 40 g Butter (für die Pfanne), normal noch 30g Rosinen, aber das mag ja nicht jeder. 1 Prise Staubzucker zum Bestreuen, damit das auf dem Teller gut aussieht. Ich hab das vorher auch noch nie gemacht.
Facebook allows war posts urging violence against Russian invaders
Seeing Meta’s Instagram and Facebook platforms to allow users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion is one of the most dystopian news of the past months. The company has been criticised for fueling hatred and hate speech, even with previous policies.
#deletefacebook #deleteinstagram
Meta Platforms will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails seen by Reuters on Thursday, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy.
Source: Facebook allows war posts urging violence against Russian invaders | Reuters