Author: Andreas

  • Indiana Jones 5 and the space race

    Da musste ich mich ja zuerst einmal daran erinnern, dass Indiana Jones einen vierten Teil hatte. Und damit meine ich nicht “Das Geheimnis von Atlantis”.

    Nach drei Teilen, die durchaus Einfluss auf meine Jugend hatten, gab es vor gefühlt zehn Jahren noch einen weiteren Kino Film über Indiana Jones. Ich kann mich nicht einmal richtig an die Handlung erinnern, aber ich weiß genau das ich den Film nicht mochte und die Sache mit dem Kristallschädel auch eher absurd und an den Haaren herbei gezogen fand.

    Jedenfalls scheint nun kommenden Sommer ein fünfter Teil ins Kino zu kommen, in dem Indiana Jones sich in einem Setting bewegen wird das ist tatsächlich gegeben hat. Wie BoingBoing schreibt, wird der Protagonist mit dem Mondprogramm zu tun haben, dass tatsächlich von einer Reihe ehemaliger deutscher Nazi Wissenschaftler geführt worden ist. Und gerade im Moment kann ich mir das alles sehr gut vorstellen und freue mich darauf wie Indiana Jones einmal mehr ein Stück Geschichte rettet. Jedenfalls schreibe ich mir den Kinostart schon einmal in den Kalender.

    Das Bild aus dem Artikel spare ich mir vorsichtshalber aus Copyright Gründen.

    Indiana Jones 5, due out next summer, will take place in 1969 and feature Indy tangling with former-Nazis in 1969 during the height of the space race between the US and Russia. UK magazine Empire t…

    Aus dem Artikel.

    Source: Indiana Jones 5 will be about the space race and Nazi rocket scientists! | Boing Boing

  • The “Supercloud”

    It used to be client/server architecture. That became the cloud. With distributed content delivery infrastructures moving towards compute models, it became “edge.”

    Whereas the debate has always been where code should run. On the server, that is remote, or with the client, that is possibly weak in compute and does not have the data necessary.

    In the beginning it was all Mainframes, with dumb terminals. First Flash and than browsers allowed quick execution of code on the client side wide spread. With the advent of virtual cloud resources, cost effectiveness added to the equation. And so code moved back and forth between client and server.

    Edge only became a marketing term for cloud providers to shift compute from the datacenter towards the client on their own terms.

    Cloudflare now claims to have build a hybrid model, that they call the #Supercloud. I’d say it’s a bold marketing term. One that may actually hit a nerve.


    Every developer wants to get code running on one machine and perfect it. It’s so much easier to work that way. We just happen to have one machine that scales to the size of the Internet: a global, distributed, supercomputer. It’s our Supercloud, and we build our own products on it, and you can too


    Source: Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022)

  • Banana Phone: the gadget you always wanted.

    Remember the earworm in 2004, the Bananaphone song? You can have that today, in form of a Bluetooth enabled, Banana shaped gadget to connect to your iPhone. Get it here. (affiliate link)

    And here is the song, just in case you feel like hearing it again.

    Raffi – Bananaphone

    Take a trip back to 2004 with the Banana Phone, a Bluetooth handset that pairs with your iPhone.
    — from article

    via appleinsider

  • Building The World’s Fastest Racing Roomba

    Diese Staubsaugroboter sind vor ein paar Jahren in Mode gekommen. Selber habe ich mir Anfang dieses Jahres ein solches Gerät angeschafft. Weil der Boden selten frei von $Kram ist, hat die Performance mich bisher eher enttäuscht. Das Gerät verhält sich eher wie ein weiteres Kind, oder vielleicht ein Haustier. Ständig ist was. Entweder ein Kabel das rumlag, Fransen vom Teppich oder es bleibt under der Couch stecken. Und dann funktioniert die Auffind-Benachrichtigung nicht, weil der Akku leer ist, wenn man von der Arbeit wiederkommt.

    Aber so ein Racing-Roomba, das könnte mich noch mal reizen.

    Alister Laidlaw of electrosync took apart his Roomba vacuum and used 3D printing to put it back together, replacing the original parts with faster motors, electronics, and radio controls. After several tweaks, he built the “world’s fastest racing Roomba”.

    Source: Building The World’s Fastest Racing Roomba

  • A frog that swallowed a firefly

    A frog that swallowed a firefly

    A Frog

    Ich dachte, Ihr solltet das sehen.

  • Effective Teams

    (c) Liz Fosslien

    Did that ever happen you or in your team? Did it feel awkward to you? Effective teams are diverse and exchange among each other. The source for their success is that all ideas are equal and the team generates an environment that allows individuals to speak up, fostering exchange among all participants

  • Montag

    In this footage from abroad, a man on a scooter is knocked over by a large runaway tire, which rolls off into the distance. The man eventually recovers and picks up his bike, the the tire isn’t done with him.

    Source: Man knocked over by same runaway tire twice

  • Hackers have stolen record $3 billion in cryptocurrency

    stock chart blockchain man iPhone MacBook
    Photo by Alesia Kozik on

    … and that’s this year only so far. CBS reports the previous years record has already been broken in October this year. The source for this information is blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis.

    About $718 million in digital assets were taken in October alone, according to blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis.

    Source: Hackers have stolen record $3 billion in cryptocurrency this year – CBS News

  • Meet John CRLF Doe

    Brother to Little Bobby Tables.

  • The History of the Rick Roll

    Screen Grab

    Fundamental Internet History. Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” made it into a very special meme. And it happened to everyone at least once, I’m sure. Vice has its history.

    This video is a studious look at”Never Gonna Give You Up,” the Rick Roll, how they have impacted the career of the man who recorded it, Rick Astley, and the frustration they have inflic…

    Source: The History of the Rick Roll | Boing Boing