Author: Andreas
Building The World’s Fastest Racing Roomba
Diese Staubsaugroboter sind vor ein paar Jahren in Mode gekommen. Selber habe ich mir Anfang dieses Jahres ein solches Gerät angeschafft. Weil der Boden selten frei von $Kram ist, hat die Performance mich bisher eher enttäuscht. Das Gerät verhält sich eher wie ein weiteres Kind, oder vielleicht ein Haustier. Ständig ist was. Entweder ein Kabel…
A frog that swallowed a firefly
Ich dachte, Ihr solltet das sehen.
Effective Teams
Did that ever happen you or in your team? Did it feel awkward to you? Effective teams are diverse and exchange among each other. The source for their success is that all ideas are equal and the team generates an environment that allows individuals to speak up, fostering exchange among all participants
In this footage from abroad, a man on a scooter is knocked over by a large runaway tire, which rolls off into the distance. The man eventually recovers and picks up his bike, the the tire isn’t done with him. Source: Man knocked over by same runaway tire twice
Hackers have stolen record $3 billion in cryptocurrency
… and that’s this year only so far. CBS reports the previous years record has already been broken in October this year. The source for this information is blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. About $718 million in digital assets were taken in October alone, according to blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. Source: Hackers have stolen record $3…
Meet John CRLF Doe
Brother to Little Bobby Tables.
The History of the Rick Roll
Fundamental Internet History. Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” made it into a very special meme. And it happened to everyone at least once, I’m sure. Vice has its history. This video is a studious look at”Never Gonna Give You Up,” the Rick Roll, how they have impacted the career of the man who…
Ikea Smart Light System Flaw
Security related ‘news’ that have Zigbee based lighting systems as the subject of their research make me feel on Groundhog Day. They show up repeatedly, and their content is about exchangeable, along with the solution. Ladies and Gentlemen, this time it’s Ikea Trådfri that Synopsys found a flaw in. The flaw exploits malformed Zigbee frames.…
Asiatische Winterspiele 2029 mitten in der Wüste
Ja nun. Die Meldung kam gestern schon mal an mir vorbei. Zunächst habe ich gedacht es handle sich um eine Schlagzeile des Postillion. Dann habe ich es nochmal gelesen und musste es twittern.