Author: Andreas

  • Change.

    Yesterday, a software engineer, also new to the organization, roughly told me the following. The way the organisation plans projects is so different to what he is used to as a software engineer. Planning projects with a horizon of 12 or even 24 months is something he says he just cannot wrap his head around.…

  • Mix and Mingle

    The past weekend I traveled internationally to work with colleagues on another continent. I’m a lucky volunteering member of IEEE, and so I reached out to the community before I jumped on my flight. Turns out I have friends in this city, and so I spent a whole afternoon learning about the city and the…

  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    IEEE’s Educational Activities Committee (EAC) invited me for their regular meeting, that happens May 13th and 14th in Porto, Portugal. Me being there is to represent Action for Industry Committee (AfI). On first priority, the attendance is to foster inter-committee cooperation. However, one of the items we’d love to promote to industry, but to everybody else, is that…

  • Customer Questions

    Working as an IoT Product Manager you have to listen to your customers questions. sometimes, you gotta ask yourself important questions. Like, how do I put a light bulb on a isolated VLAN so it doesn't hack my TV? — Paul Querna (@pquerna) April 30, 2017

  • robotic loop

    Calling it an “accurate representation of whole western capitalist society” is a bit far reached, but it will trigger associations for the urban, corporate employed citizen. Everything working makes the journey very convenient, but go in circles. via Nerdcore.

  • On Digitalised Product Management

    Again. Having read the few words from yesterday, it’s probably difficult to follow. So, let me try a bit more structured to write up on the points I was trying to make are: Product and Service Business are different cultures. Both have established methods. Digitisation requires Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation won’t happen without a conscious decision. Digitised…

  • On Digitalised Product Management

    Now the family left me here for the afternoon, I have some time to exercise blogging and put down a few thoughts on my recent job. To write in a cosy environment, a lit the fireplace at the house we are staying in. The result is as favourable as you may imagine. Only the missing bear fur could…

  • Celery Worker wide configuration

    Celery is a distributed task execution environment for Python. While the emphasis is on distributed in this software, the concept of having workers allows for settings beyond the individual task. While the first rule of optimisation is “don’t”, sharing database connections is a low hanging fruit in most cases. And this can be configured per worker with Celery…

  • Google Pushes Encrypted Email System Out Into the World | On the Wire

  • Digitalisierung – Die den Code der Welt von morgen schreiben

    Welche Verantwortung tragen Softwareentwickler für die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, die sie vorantreiben? Die Antwort ist komplexer, als es der Mythos vom Programmierer als Rockstar erscheinen lässt. Auch die Süddeutsche greift das Thema der moralischen Verantwortung von Programmierern auf. Teil des Problems ist, dass die Profession – der Wahrnehmung des Authors nach jedenfalls – als rein technische…