AWS OfficeHours with Woodrow Arrington and David Brown, both Senior Product Managers on the AWS CloudFront Team. They discuss the benefits of CDN technology and use-cases of Lambda@Edge. The video touches security related considerations.
Meute in Paris
Strikt betrachtet ist Meute ja auch blos eine Coverband, aber die Techno Marching Band tourt damit ja nicht durchs Land, sondern schafft es, zu Recht, größere Hallen zu füllen. Für heute liefert Meute den Soundtrack des Abends.
via FernsehErsatz
Boston Dynamics Athlete
Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot is now a gymnast, writes Engadget. As with earlier robotic innovations, this again is a performance beyond impressive.
How the Internet really works
I tiny intro to the most important technology in the worlds history.
New Yorks Skyline Time Lapse
With an elevator through almost 500 years of New Yorks history. In 52s. It’s generated, not like the typical time lapse videos. Still very impressive.
Email in Real Life
(Direktlink, via Devour) -
Spot Is Boston Dynamics' New Robot
Boston Dynamics, the makers of autonomous walking and running robots Big Dog and Cheetah, introduce their new 4 legged Spot.
via IEEE Spectrum.
Humans Need Not Apply
Humans need not apply. Ein Film über Automation, die Roboterrevolution und den Arbeitsmarkt.
Burj Kalifa
Team Black Sheep fliegt dann mal so über das höchste Gebäude der Welt. Das sind 829m.