
  • coworking, noch smarter

    Nicht vollkommen von der Hand zu weisen.

  • In eigener Sache: GCP, nginx & certbot

    Aus verschiedenen Gründen gab es die Notwendigkeit den Unterbau dieses Blogs anzufassen. Heute Vormittag wurde die docker-basierte Installation vom Admin der Seite abgelöst und in dem Zu zu einem anderen Anbieter umgezogen. Einer der Gründe war, dass es Probleme mit docker-machine, das nicht weiter in der Lage war, abgelaufene Certifikate auf dem Stack zu erneuern.…

  • WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation

    Already on December 5th, W3C announced a finalized standard for WebAssembly. Source: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) brings a new language to the Web as WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation

  • Enterprise Sales

    @r00k on Twitter nailed it

  • The Mind at Work: Guido van Rossum on how Python makes thinking in code easier

    Python, the programming language, gained lot’s of popularity only in the past decade. In particular for big data applications, machine learning and data science the language is almost without alternative. But also for tool development or web applications backends, Python has huge adoption. Reasons are it’s huge ecosystem and a friendly, constructive community. Despite it’s…

  • Steam Kids

    Steam Kids

  • Django 3 released

    Mentionable improvements are: Django 3.0 begins our journey to making Django fully async-capable by providing support for running as an ASGI application. Django now officially supports MariaDB 10.1 and higher. Custom enumeration types TextChoices, IntegerChoices, and Choices are now available as a way to define model field choices. Details are in the announcement.

  • Breaking Walls Between Business and Engineering

    All too often, two departments are burried in deep arguments for most of their days. While business, the outbound oriented Product Management department, leads customer conversations and verifies business requirements, engineering is pushing towards a better product. Their goals are not always aligned despite the necessity to build a product together. Overcoming controversial goals can…

  • Lego’s shatter proof Cyber Truck

    Only recently, Tesla revealed it’s Cybertruck, with alegedly shatter proof windows. News has it the presentation was well prepared. Elon Musk, the companies CEO, still kind of died inside during the presentation, when on stage asked a guy to try and break the glass. Now, Lego introduced the really shatterproof option:

  • Edge vs. Chrome: A new Browser War

    The new Edge browser, built on the same open source code as Google Chrome, contains a new Tracking Prevention feature that blocks third-party trackers and, at the Strict setting, many ads. My tests show that one in four items blocked are from Google. Source: Edge vs. Chrome: Microsoft’s Tracking Prevention hits Google the hardest