Tag: web

  • W3C Sustainability Guidelines

    W3C Sustainability Guidelines

    Mit Datum vom 11. April ist das alles noch recht neu. Aber ein weiteres Zeichen dafür, dass Green- bzw. Sustainable Computing an Aufmerksamkeit gewinnt. Jedenfalls hat die W3C Community Group einen Draft Report entwickelt, der eine Guideline für Web Development bieten soll.

    Gegenüber dem Artikel aus dem W3C Blog, den ich neulich verlinkt habe, bespricht die Guideline nicht nur Web-Development und User-Experience Design. In dem Entwurf wird auch Produkt-Management berücksichtigt.

    Der Entwurf ist hier: https://w3c.github.io/sustyweb

  • Django Model-Owner

    The option to make a model owned by a user is actually documented for the Django Admin app. However, for reference, here are the steps:

    First, the model you want to have an owner needs to reference “User” as a foreign key: (in models.py)

    class Website(models.Model):
        submitted_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
        url = models.URLField()

    Provided you want to use this model in Django-Admin, there is an explicit method the app provides when defining admin models: (in admin.py)

    class WebsiteAdmin(ModelAdmin):
        model = Website
        list_display = ('url', )
        exclude = ('submitted_by', )
        def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
          if not change:
            # only add owner if not changed object
            obj.owner = request.user
          super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)

    A heads-up: Django documentation is explicit that both save_model and delete_model have to call the corresponding super()-method in order to actually save the modified model. Reasoning here is these methods are meant to interact with the process and add extra steps, they are not meant to veto.

    Additional thoughts: For a model having an owner is really convenient in plenty of situations, in particular when managing permission. The field can e.g. be matched when viewing details of an object.

    There are other, potentially more flexible approaches to the problem. In particular when solving in custom views, the field has to be set manually. The same is true when using more complete solutions like “django-guardian”.

  • The possibility to understand: SaaS Product Metrics

    Colorful Rulers to Measure
    Do you measure up?

    Part of the compelling nature of SaaS Products is the possibility to understand the user and improve on the go. Any Product Manager will literally have to understand what are the use-cases for customers and how to focus on the important areas. Just recently our team led the debate which metrics would be the right ones to focus on.

    Nancy Wang, Head of Product Management at Amazon Web Services, highlights six product metrics enterprise SaaS companies should track.

    In this Article, Nancy Wang, head of Product Management at the most successful cloud service providers, shares her insights on important metrics to keep an eye on. The possibility to understand often goes overboard and requires focus.

    The case under discussion in the article revolves around paid products. Derived metrics are a foundation that serves as a blueprint to other products in the SaaS space. Goals differ, but ultimately, to make a product successful, it requires an understanding of how successful customers were, using the product. Following the established funnel pattern, users are being segmented into funnel. Along that funnel, the metrics acquired need to reflect the stage of the journey the user is on.

    At the top of the funnel, most often the interaction is anonymous and requires profiling to understand the audience coming in. Further down in the funnel, metrics capture engagement and transaction. Towards the end of the funnel, the metric needs to relate to retention.

    Source: Do You Measure Up? Metrics for Enterprise SaaS Product Managers

  • Mozilla unveils YouTube recommendation horror stories

    Somehow, a fun read. Still problematic, and somewhat scary, at the scale YouTube relies on recommendations.

    YouTube Horror Stories
    YouTube Horror Stories

    Mozilla gathered 28 user-submitted stories, detailing incidents where YouTube’s recommendation served videos featuring racism, conspiracies, and violence.

    Source: Mozilla unveils 28 horror stories about YouTube’s recommendation algorithm

  • Fastly went public.

    Fastly went public.

    Already on Friday, Fastly, one of the more prominent representatives of the Website acceleration technology business, went public. Despite two days old, still worth mentioning. The San Francisco based company can be found under the label NASDAQ: FSLY. Measured by the initially offered price of 16$/share, the first day of trading close at $24.20 can be considered a successful IPO.

    Fastly's Initial Public Offering
    Fastly went public

    Today, we listed on the New York Stock Exchange, marking our first day of trading as a public company.

    Quote from the article.

    Source: Fastly’s Initial Public Commit

  • HTTP/3 

    HTTP over QUIC will be called HTTP/3, following a suggestion by Mark Nottingham.

    Source: HTTP/3 | daniel.haxx.se

  • A quick introduction to web security

    CORS, CSP, HSTS, and all the web security acronyms!link.medium.com/jMrLJYrzBR

  • BOX-256

    Box-256 is a browser game Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-04 um 18.38.57
    where you need to solve
    small tasks, e.g. let a program draw a square, in your browser. Through writing assebly. Since I wrote quite a bit assembly throughout my career, I thought this is interesting. Still, I failed at level one. Mostly because of impatience.

    Source: BOX-256 – Tiny game about writing assembly to pass the graphics tests.

  • Visual Studio now open source

    Microsoft announced it will be open sourcing Visual Studio Code at it’s connect(); developer conference. Code is available over at github. Alongside, MSFT released a preview extension that will allow debugging Linux applications using GDB, too.

    Microsoft doubles down on cross-platform software development.

    A huge move forward.

    Quelle: Ars Technica

  • django-braces

    Nachdem die view-decorators seit der Einführung von Class Based Generic Views nicht mehr funktionieren ist ein Ersatz oft gebraucht. brack3t/django-braces fasst die gängigen Funktionen, wie beispielsweise LoginRequired oder PermissionRequired, sinnvoll zusammen.