daily, photo, 03.11.2020. random. late.
daily, photo, 03.11.2020. random. late.
For those bored in isolation, you can now build your own vintage computer. From paper. Following the instructions from Rocky Bergen, an artist and designer. Should work well with kids, too!
Link: Papercraft.
Sowohl in HR Strategieguides warnen Organisationen aktiv davor, wie auch in Karriereratgebern jeder Suchende davor gewarnt wird. Wenn “Dinge schon immer so gemacht werden”, meinen beide Parteien, ist etwas faul, weil eine Organisation sich damit der Konstante des Wandels verschließt. Und natürlich ist der Ratschlag sofort nachvollziehbar, es ist mittlerweile eine Allgemein-Weisheit, dass Wechsel und Veränderung gut sind, positives Klima für Innovation erlauben und für frischen Wind sorgen. (more…)
The Internet Archive now has a collection of malware that was distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers and early PCs.
Through the javascript post of DosBox (EM-DosBox) you can even execute the viruses and watch their message in your browser.
Learn programming with Usborne Publishing‘s 1983 “Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners“. The classic books have been released as PDF under the only restriction to link to their pages: Usborne’s computer and coding books.
The PDFs available include:
The release happened to promote the publishers new board book for small children to get started with computing: Lift-the-Flap Computers and Coding (affiliate link) and Coding for Beginners
(affiliate link).
via: Boing Boing:
Jindo Fox writes, “A few years ago, Cory linked to some wonderful pictures in Usborne’s 1983 classic Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners. Usborne has made PDF copies available of…