DigitalOcean, provider of Cloud Services, raises $50M to achieve a $1.15B Valuation, making it into the ranks of unicorns, reports Crunchbase.
Tag: Venture Capital
New York’s Newest Unicorn
Crunchbase -
Munich-based Mylivn raises €5.5 million
Mylivn is a social network aimed at the ‘slash’ generation who have more than one career or passion, e.g. developer / photographer.
In 2015, it was big news to the Startup and VC scene, when Microsoft announced it would acquire Wunderlist. Back then, 6Wunderkinder was one of the most promising StartUps in the German Capital. The social media bubble immediately started debating the future of the product and whether Microsoft would spoil it or even shut it down.
The recent past showed all fears held true when Microsoft announced the shutdown of Wunderlist in favour of a “To-Do” app, to the disappointment of it’s entire user base.
Now, another two years later, Christian Reber, CEO and Founder of 6 Wunderkinder, announced his plans to buy back the core application from Microsoft. VentureBeat has more
Cloud-Computing lockt Internet-Investoren
In der Wirtschaftswoche ist zu lesen, dass Risikokapital Investoren anlockt. Angesichts des Buzz-Factors des Themas überrascht das nur wenig.
MBA KW 7/2011
Meldungen zu dem Thema gab es diese Woche wenige, nichtsdestotrotz hier die wichtigsten:
MBA Newsletter von “Business Insider”: “Instant MBA”. Anmeldung hier möglich
Fortune hat Ratschläge für MBA Absolventen, die in Venture Capital Firmen arbeiten möchten:
Bereits vor einigen Woche wurde in diversen Blogs über den Facebook MBA berichtet. Diese Woche war bei Springwise erneut über die Facebook MBA App der London School of Business and Finance zu lesen:, bzw. die eigentliche App hier:
MBA Channel stimmt in die Meldungen über bessere Arbeitsmarktbedingungen für MBAs ein: