Tag: Update

  • Outlook bug to spoof Microsoft emails

    A bug in Microsoft Outlook will allow malicious actors to spoof Microsoft employee emails, reports TechCrunch. Since Microsoft Outlook and Exchange are the dominating technologies in the corporate world for sending email, changes are your organisation uses them too. Time to install an update.

  • AWS CloudFront Monitoring Update

    AWS CloudFront Monitoring Update: AWS released an early & small Christmas Gift to their CloudFront Customers. CloudFront now supports eight more metrics to monitor content distribution. These include: Cache Hit Rate via HTTP POST and PUT requests, via the percentage of all cacheable requests for which CloudFront served the content from its cache, including errors…

  • What Makes People Upgrade Products?

    With the release, a product ain’t done yet. Customers may like that product and go for with this product for a long while. At some point, a new release will bring them to make a decision. HBR has a perspective on the drivers for these decision points. People splurge when they think they’ve grown. Source:…

  • Drone Freestyle

    Drohnen können ja mehr als Wegpunkte abfliegen und Ihren Besitzern folgen. Racing und Freestyle-Drohnen verlangen Ihren Piloten einiges an Flugkunst ab, führen aber bislang eher ein Dasein in einer Nische. Vor allem, weil das Hobby nicht nur für die kognitiven Fähigkeiten sehr anspruchsvoll ist, sondern auch technisch ein solides Wissen von Hard- und Software erfordert.…

  • The Internet of TV

    The internet of things won’t only keep you from checking the time, it will also keep you from watching TV: https://twitter.com/grafa__/status/656788421504057344/photo/1

  • The Internet of Things.

    This is the future of the Internet of Things. https://twitter.com/stuarthicks/status/656035622805729280/photo/1

  • Who Has Your Back? 

    Who has your back? Electronic Frontier Foundation updated their scorecard of practices of major Internet companies, with regards to their publicly available policies for 2015. via: Who Has Your Back? Government Data Requests 2015 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

  • Released: Piwik 1.7

    New Web Analytics reports! Scheduled reports (PDF/HTML) & Image graph improvements Major Usability Improvements Performance improvements Security Original Announcement: Piwik 1.7 – Piwik Blog

  • Flattr hat eine neue API

    Flattr APIv2: API v2 beta out – what’s changed?

  • CiviCRM 3.4.3/4.0.3

    Gerade das letzte Release verpasst, schon kommt das nächste: “CiviCRM 3.4.3 and 4.0.3 are released“. Neben den Bugfixes des Maintenance-Releases sind folgende Verbesserungen mit umgesetzt worden: