Tag: Tokio

  • Amazon AWS: Tokyo

    Amazon hat heute eine neue Region in Tokio angekündigt. Der Wortlaut aus dem Announcement ist folgender:

    Starting today, Japan-based businesses and global companies with  customers
    in Japan can run their applications and workloads in the new  Tokyo Region
    to reduce latency to end-users, keep their data entirely in  Japan, and
    avoid the undifferentiated heavy lifting associated with  maintaining and
    operating their own infrastructure. In most cases, end  users in Japan can
    now experience single digit millisecond latency from  AWS's new Tokyo
    Region. Tokyo joins Singapore as our second Asia Pacific  location and as
    our fifth infrastructure location worldwide.

    Nach Singapur ist Tokio damit die 2 Region in Asien und die 5. Region, die Amazon weltweit anbietet. Rund um das Angebot plant Amazon japanisch sprechende Support, sowie den Service in Yen abzurechnen.