Tag: role

  • What It Takes to Become a Great Product Manager

    While doing a bit more research on Product Management, I found Julia Austins thoughts on HBR the topic. She reflects on three primary considerations for the role: Core CompetenciesEmotional Intelligence(EQ) and Company Fit

    Her original aritcle is here, the HBR release is here.

  • A couple of weeks later…

    A few weeks into the new role, I’m busy with all the new and exciting responsibilities. Being in charge for a product is fantastic, all along with the rising technology in the Internet of Things makes it a really unique experience. Also the approach to the market broadens my horizon and there are so many things I should be writing about, but cannot find the time. Also, a new article for the TEMS Leader is in the making, which keeps me off nomorecubes.

    The project is not abondoned yet, though, just like it had ups and downs over the years.