Tag: product

  • Batterien

    Leckt Ihr auch manchmal, wenn keiner schaut, 9V Batterien an, nur um zu sehen ob die noch gut sind? Dann gibt es gute Nachrichten für euch. Guy Dupont hat da was entwickelt, so dass ihr nie wieder selber 9v Batterien anlecken müsst. https://mastodon.social/@gvy_dvpont/112962524310645606

  • Effective Teams

    Did that ever happen you or in your team? Did it feel awkward to you? Effective teams are diverse and exchange among each other. The source for their success is that all ideas are equal and the team generates an environment that allows individuals to speak up, fostering exchange among all participants

  • Künstliche Intelligenz

    Künstliche Intelligenz ist immer noch in aller Munde, weil es Produkte allein durch Anwesenheit besser macht. Gewissermaßen ist kein Produkt vollständig, wenn es nicht irgendwas intelligenter macht als das Vorgängermodell. Und so braucht auch die Kaffeemaschine irgendwas intelligentes, um sich abzuheben. Das aktuelle Gerät von Jura kann sich offenbar merken, was die Benutzer so trinken.…

  • Every concept starts with a con

    Every concept starts with a con Solid Product Management Advise Unfortunately I lost the source for this quote and it’s sat in my drafts folder for more than a quarter. Still I felt like I need to write down a few thoughts about it and share it here. Because it’s actually solid advice to any…

  • #ProductMonthChallenge

    30 Days to a Better PM – That’s the goal of Product School’s #ProductMonthChallange. A different challenge for the entire month of April. Part of the challenge is to share your intentions on social media – like I do with this writing – but you can also follow Instagram. The challenge will start April 1st.…

  • Building a SaaS

    Building a product is always for a customer. Developing with this fact in mind helps developers turn their love for technology into more relevant results. Jake Levirne explains the approach for very technical products at Digital Ocean in a small series of videos. Digital Ocean Blog.

  • Magic Email

    It’s not like email has been a perfect solution ever, to start with. In fact, email has been broken for most of its existence. Imagine all the rules and filters you need to stay on top of your inbox. When Internet became popular, soon spam became popular. Email lists were usable only before eternal September…

  • GitHub’s Public Roadmap

    GitHub just started to publish a public Roadmap. Not even a login is required. Product People will appreciate, this is pretty huge commitment for an organization.

  • Protect me from what you want – 04.06.

    In Softwareprojekten an sich Aufgabe des Scrum Masters gegenüber dem Team und dem Product Owner oder dem allgemeinen Management. Häufig wird die Rolle als “Beschützer des Teams” wahrgenommen. Der Scrum Master soll dem Team helfen, eine realistische Einschätzung Ihrer Fähigkeiten abzugeben und nur Aufgaben zu committen, die realistisch in einem definierten Zeitrahmen geliefert werden können.…

  • Feature Value

    K2, over dinner: “I want to have a huge pile of wood in front of my window!” Me: “Why would you want to have a huge pile of wood in front of your window?” K2: “So everybody who needs some wood can take some!” He’s definitely going to be a Product Manager some day.