Tag: piracy

  • They downloaded a car!

    They downloaded a car!


  • Computer related crime characteristics

    • Trap doors – potential offenders are system and application programmers
    • Trojan horses, viruses, worms, salamis and logic bombs – can be detected by comparing program code with backup copies of the same program
    • Masquerading – can be detected through password violations
    • Scanning – potential offenders are spies trying to access systems for targeted data
    • Dumpster diving – may be detected by analyzing the data left over after the job execution.


    • Timing attacks – potential offenders are advanced system analysts and computer programmers
    • Wiretapping or eavesdropping – may be detected by tracing origins of equipment and items used to commit the crime
    • Software piracy – commercial software purchasers and users are potential offenders
    • Excess privileges – potentially programmers with access to computer operations staff
    • Data diddling – possible evidence includes source and transaction data