Tag: linux

  • Running Linux GUI apps in Windows 10

    Microsoft recently announced that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSDL) will be able to run Linux GUI apps. BleepingComputer already tested it. Without having experienced it myself, it feels like hell is freezing over. Nobody, ever, would have expected Linux to make an impact on Desktop computing. Seeing this come through Microsoft seems even more bizarre.…

  • Linux on Apple Silicon

    The announcement is vague, the link gives 404. However, still somebody made a first move to port Linux to the recently announced M1 Chip, that will power future generations of Apple notebook devices. The community criticizes the approach: the port comes in a single patch with no documentation. Given the size of the patch this…

  • In eigener Sache: GCP, nginx & certbot

    Aus verschiedenen Gründen gab es die Notwendigkeit den Unterbau dieses Blogs anzufassen. Heute Vormittag wurde die docker-basierte Installation vom Admin der Seite abgelöst und in dem Zu zu einem anderen Anbieter umgezogen. Einer der Gründe war, dass es Probleme mit docker-machine, das nicht weiter in der Lage war, abgelaufene Certifikate auf dem Stack zu erneuern.…

  • Former Munich Mayor Explains How Microsoft Hates Linux

    Christian Ude speaks in a new interview about what Microsoft did in Munich and elsewhere in Europe in order to undermine GNU/Linux and impose Microsoft Windows on everybody, together with all the spyware Microsoft provides for it (likely violation of privacy laws) Techrights.org Source: Former Mayor of Munich Explains How Microsoft Hates Linux | Techrights

  • Windows gets Linux kernel and terminal

    Windows gets Linux kernel and terminal

    So, with this announcement you’ll not be able to purchase a regular PC that doesn’t have some *nix on it. Somehow, it’s finally the year of Linux on the Desktop. That cold air you feel, that’s hell freezing over. Source: Windows 10 gets a legit Linux kernel and a souped-up terminal app

  • Linux at 25: Why It Flourished While Others Fizzled

    Linux, the open source operating system that virtually powers all of webservers, billions of Android phones as it’s kernel just as well as the majority of home routers and IoT devices, turns 25 years this year. IEEE Spectrum runs an article on the history and why the open kernel became so successful. Timing, cost, and…

  • Internet of Things powered by Ubuntu #IoT

    Next to the available versions of Ubuntu for the Desktop, Server and the Cloud, Mark Shuttleworth announces a new version of Ubuntu for the Internet of Things. Snappy Ubunutu Core aims to provide a common firmware for “Smart, connected things” on ARM and x86, that introduces a new standard for update-ability and security. via Mark…

  • Debian turns 20

    Happy Birthday, Debian! Debian turns 20

  • Bellards Javascript Linux

    Javascript PC Emulator: Jetzt inklusive: Larger disk image with more programs such as gcc 4.3.5 and calc.

  • Cloud Computing in der Praxis wenig relevant

    Das ergab jedenfalls die Umfrage des Linux Magazins. Aus der Sicht des Administrators mag das Ergebnis wenig überraschen, die meisten Cloud Anbieter werden Ihr Angebot aber so gestalten, dass die Business-Owner angesprochen werden. Das Ergebnis einer derartigen Umfrage unter Entscheidern wird demzufolge grundlegend anders ausfallen. Nicht zuletzt das Linux Magazin sieht das selbst so und…