Tag: Link

  • Go best practices

    Peter Bourgon has some experience with go, and he shares this on his website. Go is a language developed at Google 2007 and released to the public in 2009. In first place, this is fairly unrelated, but we’re currently evaluating go as a language for an IoT project, which makes it fit the topic of this…

  • Revolv Smart Home Service being shut down

    Remember the Revolv home automation hub? Probably not. The device was released in late 2013, and while fantastic, it largely flew under the radar before Google’s Nest division bought the company,… Well, neither do I remember the Revolv devices, and they’re apparently out of sale since they were acquired by Nest/Google. Now that their cloud…

  • Is cloud computing truly, truly disruptive?

    “Disruption” is one of those words that has been overused, being applied to every little product or service that comes to market, or every new company that emerges. Cloud computing and digital technologies, for example, are branded by many as “disruptive.” New services and business models sweeping through markets, such as Uber and Airbnb, are…

  • #AWS #IoT Contest winners announced.

    AWS announced the winners of their IoT contest. Winners of @awscloud #IoT contest announced! Amazing projects, innovation, technical acumen: https://t.co/qZaiJFsVn5 pic.twitter.com/tzmvu5rU0v — Hackster.io (@Hacksterio) February 11, 2016

  • Usborne releases its classic 1980s computer programming books

    Learn programming with Usborne Publishing‘s 1983 “Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners“. The classic books have been released as PDF under the only restriction to link to their pages: Usborne’s computer and coding books. The PDFs available include: Programming Tricks and Skills [1984, PDF] Machine Code for Beginners [1983, PDF] Introduction to Computer Programming [1982, PDF] Practical Things to…

  • Passweird 

    Correct Horse Battery Staple. But in gross. With Passweird. Passweird – Passwords too Gross to Steal Quelle: Passweird – Passwords too Gross to Steal

  • Telefónica on protecting #IoT

    Whatever we do, it’s not sufficient. Because the technology is developing and evolving at a pace too quick. That’s what Telefónica concludes. No surprise there. The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at an enormous pace, much so that it outpaces any and all security efforts. via: ITProPortal.com

  • Insuring connected devices

    MIT Technology Review on insuring connected devices.

  • Valuing Internet Companies.

    How is an internet companies value calculated? Like this, in a nutshell.

  • Internet of Things security

    Security on the Internet of things has often been said to be bad. Apparently Shodan runs a search engine for sleeping kids. Through kids monitor cams available to watch. Publicly on the internet. Enough proof the Internet of Things really needs security.  Shodan search engine is only the latest reminder of why we need to fix IoT…