Tag: Link

  • Google introduced AR navigation.

    Apparently it’s not just a cool new feature but a controversial discussion.

  • What you do is who you are.

    Ben Horowitz, of Andreessen Horowitz (software is eating the world), wrote a new book. It is titled “What you do is who you are.“, and will, following the announcement, discuss corporate cultural standards and how they changed over the years, of course with a particular focus on the tech industry. It’s a hot candidate for…

  • Sony confirms PlayStation 5

    Surprise! Sony’s Playstation 5 will be called: Playstation 5! Along with new haptic feedback tech that replaces rumble in controllers. Source: Sony confirms PlayStation 5 name, holiday 2020 release date – The Verge

  • Meute in Paris

    Strikt betrachtet ist Meute ja auch blos eine Coverband, aber die Techno Marching Band tourt damit ja nicht durchs Land, sondern schafft es, zu Recht, größere Hallen zu füllen. Für heute liefert Meute den Soundtrack des Abends. via FernsehErsatz

  • Async / Await with Python

    Asynchronous programming with Python, explained. On Realpython, to read. Once again, here on LivePython. Sometimes it’s better to listen.

  • User Onboarding the Right Way

    User Onboarding the Right Way

    For a Product Manager, User Experience is a huge topic that draws a lot of thought and energy. Crunchbase today sent me this in their newsletter, discussing an aspect that is often underestimated. While the example seems odd, it has a good point, countering other guidance to raise customer engagement. For people that remember Ok…

  • Do away with the Product Owner Role

    Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat Software has an opinion on Scrum’s Product Owner Role. It’s controversial, and Product people will disagree.

  • Google Claims ‘Quantum Supremacy’

    Google announced they built a 53 qubit quantum computer. A usecase Quantum computers are popular for is factorizing products of large prime numbers, making them interesting in the field of Cryptography. With 53 qubits, Google increased the possible performance by a factor via fortune.com

  • How to measure product market fit

    Looking at the right metrics to achieve a product market fit. Department of Product

  • Why Would You NEVER Apply Agile Software Development Processes?

    A central statement in the Agile Manifesto is to put Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Many development teams, in particular those with less experience, lack the self sufficiency to deal with this freedom. It’s probably not the exact answer to the question, but it makes Agile a lot more difficult. Here is the original…