Tag: Link
Venom PoC is out.
Quick: https://twitter.com/hdmoore/status/598644158664814592
#iot and the old economy
More companies from the old economy discover the potential of the Internet of things. Miele and Microsoft team up. Microsoft and Miele team up to cook up an IoT revolution
Internet Blocking Regulation
Internet Blocking Regulations in the free western world, between 2004 and 2012. Quelle: Internet Blocking Regulation
Telefon kaputt: Mindestens 100.000 IP-Telefone von Telekomkunden bleiben diesen Sonntag stundenlang stumm. via heise Netze.
iOS 8.3
What’s new in iOS 8.3.
Infamous “podcasting patent” knocked out
The Electronic Frontiers Foundation managed to kill the “Podcasting Patent”. via Ars Technica about the Infamous “podcasting patent” knocked out
l+f: SSL-Zertifikat durch Zeitreise frisch halten
Die kreative Idee des Tages kommt von manjaro Linux. Die Entwickler schlagen vor, die Warnung bezüglich des abgelaufenen Serverzertifikates zu beheben, indem man die lokale Systemzeit anpasst. Als ob das System Zertifikate und CAs nicht auch so schon problembehaftet genug wäre, soll man jetzt auch noch per root die Systemzeit ändern. m( via heise open.
Chip Fingerprinting Scheme Could Secure IoT Devices Against Malware
Chip Fingerprinting Scheme Could Secure IoT Devices Against Malware. Security in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) is an area that is expanding, along with the growth of IoT itself. Fingerprinting schemes are an approach that didn’t go along with malware prevention in traditional computing, but IoT use cases may benefit from a…
Blade Runner Reality
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.” https://instagram.com/p/1GOQ2Kunsw Blade Runner Reality (@bladerunnerreality). via Daring Fireball.
Filesharing can get you on the No-Fly list in France
The European Digital Rights initiative (EDRi) warns that French filesharers to be banned from flying?